What Happened After They Were Raised? Matthew 27:51-53.


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Presentation transcript:

What Happened After They Were Raised? Matthew 27:51-53

Temple veil was tornTemple veil was torn Rocks split, earthquake, tombs openedRocks split, earthquake, tombs opened Many dead saints were raised from the deadMany dead saints were raised from the dead They came out of graves after Christ was raisedThey came out of graves after Christ was raised They went into Jerusalem and appeared to many peopleThey went into Jerusalem and appeared to many people They were alive againThey were alive again Temple veil was tornTemple veil was torn Rocks split, earthquake, tombs openedRocks split, earthquake, tombs opened Many dead saints were raised from the deadMany dead saints were raised from the dead They came out of graves after Christ was raisedThey came out of graves after Christ was raised They went into Jerusalem and appeared to many peopleThey went into Jerusalem and appeared to many people They were alive againThey were alive again When Jesus Died 2

Matthew 27:51-53 They were alive (not “zombies”)They were alive (not “zombies”) Some speculate they ascended to heaven after appearancesSome speculate they ascended to heaven after appearances No doubt they symbolized and illustrated Christ’s victory over deathNo doubt they symbolized and illustrated Christ’s victory over death They were alive (not “zombies”)They were alive (not “zombies”) Some speculate they ascended to heaven after appearancesSome speculate they ascended to heaven after appearances No doubt they symbolized and illustrated Christ’s victory over deathNo doubt they symbolized and illustrated Christ’s victory over death The Raised Saints 3

What is Bodily Resurrection? Life force restored to flesh, Jas 2:26 Resurrections in the Bible:Resurrections in the Bible: –Soul back in the body, 1 Kgs 17:17-23 –Flesh is warm again, 2 Kgs 4:32-35 –Resurrected could speak, Luke 7:15 –Bodily functions resume, Luke 8:55; John 11:14, 17, –Consciousness, Acts 9:37, Life force restored to flesh, Jas 2:26 Resurrections in the Bible:Resurrections in the Bible: –Soul back in the body, 1 Kgs 17:17-23 –Flesh is warm again, 2 Kgs 4:32-35 –Resurrected could speak, Luke 7:15 –Bodily functions resume, Luke 8:55; John 11:14, 17, –Consciousness, Acts 9:37,

SummarySummary Living, Luke 24:5Living, Luke 24:5 Bodies, Lk 24:36-43Bodies, Lk 24:36-43 –Not spirits –Not ghosts Conscious, with cognitive and physical activity, Jno 12:1-2Conscious, with cognitive and physical activity, Jno 12:1-2 Living, Luke 24:5Living, Luke 24:5 Bodies, Lk 24:36-43Bodies, Lk 24:36-43 –Not spirits –Not ghosts Conscious, with cognitive and physical activity, Jno 12:1-2Conscious, with cognitive and physical activity, Jno 12:1-2 Traits of those raised from the dead 5

Why Were People Raised from the Dead? An act of God’s mercy, Luke 7:12-13An act of God’s mercy, Luke 7:12-13 Provide confirming evidence of God’s power, presence and approvalProvide confirming evidence of God’s power, presence and approval –Elijah as a prophet, 1 Kgs 17:24 –God’s approval / presence, Lk 7:16-17 Similar reason in Matthew 27:52-53Similar reason in Matthew 27:52-53 An act of God’s mercy, Luke 7:12-13An act of God’s mercy, Luke 7:12-13 Provide confirming evidence of God’s power, presence and approvalProvide confirming evidence of God’s power, presence and approval –Elijah as a prophet, 1 Kgs 17:24 –God’s approval / presence, Lk 7:16-17 Similar reason in Matthew 27:52-53Similar reason in Matthew 27:

What Did These Resurrections Accomplish? Many believed,Many believed, Jno 11:45; 12:10-11, 17-18; Acts 9:42 If true of Lazarus and Dorcas, why not also the saints of Matt 27:52-53? Opportunity to glorify God, Luke 7:15-16Opportunity to glorify God, Luke 7:15-16 Many believed,Many believed, Jno 11:45; 12:10-11, 17-18; Acts 9:42 If true of Lazarus and Dorcas, why not also the saints of Matt 27:52-53? Opportunity to glorify God, Luke 7:15-16Opportunity to glorify God, Luke 7:

What Happened To Those Who Were Resurrected? They continued to live until eventually they died, 1 Cor 15:22They continued to live until eventually they died, 1 Cor 15:22 –“See, your son lives!” 1 Kings 17:22 –“He presented him to his mother” Luke 7:15 –Lazarus resumed his normal activities, John 12:1-2 They continued to live until eventually they died, 1 Cor 15:22They continued to live until eventually they died, 1 Cor 15:22 –“See, your son lives!” 1 Kings 17:22 –“He presented him to his mother” Luke 7:15 –Lazarus resumed his normal activities, John 12:1-2 8

What Happened To Those Who Were Resurrected? Possibilities in Matthew 27:53:Possibilities in Matthew 27:53: –Appeared and then ascended into God’s presence (paradise), showing the sting of death had been taken away –Lived out their physical lives and died as did all others who were raised Jesus is the exception, Acts 2:24; Col 1:18; Rev 1:18Jesus is the exception, Acts 2:24; Col 1:18; Rev 1:18 He will resurrect our bodies, 1 Cor 15:22He will resurrect our bodies, 1 Cor 15:22 Possibilities in Matthew 27:53:Possibilities in Matthew 27:53: –Appeared and then ascended into God’s presence (paradise), showing the sting of death had been taken away –Lived out their physical lives and died as did all others who were raised Jesus is the exception, Acts 2:24; Col 1:18; Rev 1:18Jesus is the exception, Acts 2:24; Col 1:18; Rev 1:18 He will resurrect our bodies, 1 Cor 15:22He will resurrect our bodies, 1 Cor 15:22 9

Lessons for Us Christ has power over physical and spiritual death, John 11:25-26Christ has power over physical and spiritual death, John 11:25-26 We must put our faith in Him and His power over death, Rev 1:18We must put our faith in Him and His power over death, Rev 1:18 We will experience bodily resurrection, John 5:28-29We will experience bodily resurrection, John 5:28-29 We must experience resurrection from the death of sin to be raised to eternal life, Col 2:12-13 (Rom 6:4-6)We must experience resurrection from the death of sin to be raised to eternal life, Col 2:12-13 (Rom 6:4-6) Christ has power over physical and spiritual death, John 11:25-26Christ has power over physical and spiritual death, John 11:25-26 We must put our faith in Him and His power over death, Rev 1:18We must put our faith in Him and His power over death, Rev 1:18 We will experience bodily resurrection, John 5:28-29We will experience bodily resurrection, John 5:28-29 We must experience resurrection from the death of sin to be raised to eternal life, Col 2:12-13 (Rom 6:4-6)We must experience resurrection from the death of sin to be raised to eternal life, Col 2:12-13 (Rom 6:4-6) 10