We Were Heroes: The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins, a World War II Soldier, Normandy, France, 1944 (My Name Is America) By Walter Dean Myers COOPERATIVE GROUP ACTIVITIES
Jigsaw what were the causes of World War II? The Spanish Civil War & Nationalism Economic problems The Peace of Paris Aggression on the march The rise of dictatorships The failure of appeasement Step 1: Students get into six groups of four Step 2: Each student picks up a part in the puzzle Step 3: Each student goes to the research table that pertains to the puzzle piece selected Step 4: Student groups review the research materials given to them about one specific cause of World War II. Step 5: Student groups discuss and create a bulleted list that summarizes about 10 important facts of topic Step 6: Students return to their original groups, teach other members about specific topics, and all students record all of the bulleted information from each specialty group into their handouts given by teacher to be used as a study guide for an upcoming assessment.
R. A. F. T. Instructions: Imagine you are living during World War II. Review the options as a group. Select one entry from each column, and create a diary entry, narrative, speech, newspaper article, obituary, or editorial which will be presented to the rest of the class. Review the character values handout, and include traits as deemed appropriate.
Role Definition Matrix R. A. F. T. Matrix & rubric Role Definition Matrix RAFT Rubric Points: 0 3 5 Personality - Who am I and what are some aspects of my character? Attitude-What are my feelings, beliefs, ideas, concerns? Information - what do I know that I need to share in my writing? Accuracy—Is the information synthesized correctly and Supported by text/research? Information is not synthesized correctly or supported by text or research Information shows some evidence of being synthesized correctly or supported by text Information is synthesized correctly or Perspective—Did the writer adapt the writing to reflect the role chosen? Did the voice sound like the role chosen? Writer did not reflect on the role chosen and voice sounded as student’s voice. Overall, the writer’s voice reflected role chosen, but was inconsistent through writing. Writer’s voice was reflective of role chosen and voice was consistent throughout writing. Focus—Did the writer follow his/her chosen format? Did he/she provide examples and details? Format was not followed. No examples or details were provided. Either format was consistently followed, or examples and details provided, but not both. Both, format was consistently followed and quality examples and details were provided. Mechanics—Did the writer proof their work? Were there any punctuation, spelling, or grammar errors? More than three mechanical errors were found. Three or less mechanical errors were found. No mechanical errors were found.
World War II Tic-Tac-Toe Student/Group Choice Activities Objective: Analyze the impact of D-Day (Normandy’s Invasion) on World War II
Tic tac toe rubric Review the listed expectations and possible points for each activity. Remember, groups may choose three activities going across, going down, or going diagonally. This will be graded as a group project (test grade). Activity1: Completed activity correctly Points Possible - 30 Activity 4: Activity 7: Activity 2: Activity 5: Activity 8: Activity 3: Completed activity correctly Activity 6: Activity 9:
Works cited Historical Map: World War II in Europe: 1939-1942 [Online image]. Retrieved July 18, 2013 http://www.worldbookonline.com/student/extmedia?id=ar610460&em=lr004221 Map of Europe 1944 [Online image]. Retrieved July 18, 2013 http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/citizensoldier/conflicts/WWIIeto/ Myers, W. D. (1999). We were heroes: The journal of Scott Pendleton Collins, a World War II soldier. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc. Scott Pembleton Collins Image [Online image]. Retrieved July 17, 2013 http://serbagunamarine.com/glog-6494-publish-with-glogster.html