‘Who Will Care?’ Mobilising Essex – Registration and Refreshments – Welcome and Introductions – Purpose of the Event – ‘Who will Care?’ A response to the challenge – Rising to the challenge of ‘Who Will Care?’ – The ‘Who Will Care?’ call for schemes – Scheme Proposal Reviews – Your vote counts – Lunch and lunchtime activity (including voting on schemes) – Welcome back Rising to the challenge of ‘Who Will Care?’ – Creating a ‘Mobilising Essex’ Action Plan – Results of the Vote – Next Steps – Reflections and Close
‘Who Will Care?’ Mobilising Essex What is the challenge? What do we need to do differently? What is the purpose of today? 2
3 ‘Who Will Care?’ - the challenge Our population is getting older, larger in number, and an ageing population has greater and more complex care needs We have to meet these needs with reducing financial resources This is not the challenge for a distant future, but what is facing us here today The Commission made recommendations for how to tackle this
What needs to change? We have to be open and honest with individuals and communities, about what they can and cannot expect the state to provide in future. Individuals need to take more responsibility for their own care stop doing some things, and change the way other services are commissioned and delivered. stop working in silos and collaborate prevent crises, not just respond to them mobilise our communities 4
Mobilising our communities Need local schemes providing support and care on a voluntary basis We must build on successful local schemes and also incentivise volunteering on a much larger scale ‘It’s only us, the people who live in our communities, who can do this.’ 5
Purpose of today Update you on some responses so far to the ‘Who Will Care?’ challenge Agree what helps communities to mobilise – and how we make this happen in other local areas Decide which of the local schemes proposed are most suitable to be rolled out across Essex – there will be funding available to do so Agree next steps 6
‘Who Will Care?’ – A Response to the challenge Speakers –Andrew Gardner – Age UK Essex –Mike Adams – ECDP and ‘who will care? ’commissioner 7 Markets Stalls with further information on: Information and data sharing, new Whole Essex information sharing protocol Little acts of kindness
Rising to the challenge of ‘Who Will Care?’ How do we mobilise communities? Top ideas for how to do this that can be replicated across Essex 8
The ‘Who Will Care?’ call for schemes o Analysis of schemes proposed for roll out across Essex o Each table tasked with providing a statement – strengths and potential weaknesses for the scheme. o Consider: Potential impact on outcomes Scalability or replicability, without duplicating other funded activity Cost and sustainability Potential for cross-organisational collaboration Potential for involving communities and increasing volunteering With consideration for the top ingredients previously identified 9
An opportunity for you to review the other schemes that are here today Use this time wisely before your vote… 10 Scheme Proposal Reviews
Lunch and Activity We also have Markets Stalls with further information on: –Information and data sharing, new Whole Essex information sharing protocol –Little acts of kindness –Advice on Bid Developments and Alternative Funding –Healthwatch –Community Banking 11 Use the time to: Eat Review the schemes Network And most importantly VOTE!
Welcome Back 12 Speaker –Dave Monk, BBC Essex Responding to the challenge Speaker –Clare Morris, West Essex CCG
Creating a ‘Mobilising Essex’ Action Plan 13 Develop at least one action that can help mobilise Essex communities Fill out your pledge card (please include name & )
Next steps Send you all the ideas and actions from today to help you mobilise your community Share details of all the local schemes submitted – including those we did not have time to discuss Share contact details of attendees – create a network to support mobilisation Share learning from best practice elsewhere Arrange ‘swap shops’ for you to exchange ideas, advice and expertise More information available on your tables Keep you involved 14
‘It’s only us, the people who live in our communities, who can do this.’ 15