Como Soy yo… Garrett Terrill Oct 2 nd 1
Yo Soy… Soy Bajo. Soy atrevida. Add pics to match your description, and make sure to cite where you get the from. Use the exact URL (like below) photo& D %2526pid%253D23072%2526ppid%253D8%26o%3D0%26l%3Ddir%26thumbuselocalisedstatic%3Dfalse%26fn%3Dpdv jpg%26imagewidth%3D400%26imageheight%3D264%26fs%3 3D0&qt=
Soy de… Place a picture of where you are from…. & complete the sentence.
Mi mamá es de_____ Place a picture of where your mother is from…. & complete the sentence.
Mi papá es de_____ Place a picture of where your father is from…. & complete the sentence.
Mis padres son… (My parents are…) 3 adjectives to describe what they are like w/ a pic to represent them.
Tengo _#_ hermanos. (I have __#__ brothers/sisters). Nombre es mayor (older) que yo. Tiene # años. Nombre es menor (younger) que yo. Tiene # años. Pics to represent your siblings. (You may choose to make this up if you do not want to use your real family. Keep it appropriate.)
Mi cumpleaños Nací el (dia) de (mes) de año (write it out). Put a pic to represent your birth month
Tengo _#_ años. (your age) Puedo _(choose 3 infinitive Spanish verbs). (& 3 pics) (I can drive, go to school stay up late, etc.)
Mi amigo(a) mejor se llama… Nombre de la persona. Él/ella es muy (3 adjectives to describe him/her) Pics to go with it
Cada día yo… 3 verbs in the yo form conjugated. – To double-check your conjugation go to: – Use the presente Yo form of the verb. Ex: I go to school at Johnson HS. Ex: I feed my dog. Ex: I play basketball with Tony Parker.
En los fines de semana mis amigos y yo… 3 verbs in the nosotros form conjugated. – To double-check your conjugation go to: – Use the presente Yo form of the verb. Ex: We go to the movies. Ex: We battle at guitar hero. Ex: We play scrabble with oompa loompas. Pics to go with the sentences