The University of Pristina, temporary settled in Kosovska Mitrovica (UPKM) Members of ILTWG: Jelena Djokic, assossiated professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences Momcilo Mirkovic, assossiated professor, Medical Faculty
Information literacy is included in our undergraduate studies at almost all faculties, but not as a separate element (course, module). But, Diploma Supplement enable IL recognition within different courses. It is, also, one of the basic elements of postgraduate studies (Master and PhD), because IL is a basis for research, to which are involved students in the second and third cycle of higher education. Where we have done...
School of Medicine (groups- medicine, dentistry, medical care) have represented literacy in the prevention group (statistics, computer science, as regular and elective courses). Doctoral studies - our students already have basic information literacy and further being addressed to ethical aspects of publishing results (mistakes and fraud, and intellectual dishonesty, including plagiarism)....until now
- Become familiar with the software package Microsoft Office and its applications-Word, Excel and Power Point - Find information on the Internet. Positioning of a given URL. Find specific information using a "machine" to search. Download the required information in a specific folder. - Use . Read the message. Send a message. Read and send messages with attached file. - Search bibliographic database (MEDLINE). Search directly by entering text in the search field. Search using a thesaurus (list of standardized keywords). Download the search results. - Search on-line medical journals. Finding the URL of the appropriate journal. Search the journal directly by entering text in the search field. Search the archives of magazines. Download the article from a magazine.
- Become familiar with medical informatics, medical information, medical data, and med. knowledge. - Medical and health information system. Classification health information system. Functions health information systems, subsystems of medical information system evaluation of medical information system. - Evaluate the quality of web sites related to health and education websites for patients according to certain criteria: relevance of the author, content accuracy, content, completeness, transparency, ownership and conflicts of interest with respect to the Website- (funding, sponsorship, advertising), updating of website interactivity and site design
About moddle: Moodle is an application or software package whose main purpose is the development and maintenance of courses within the concept of distance learning. The word Moodle is an acronym for: Modular - modular (consisting of manjeih units - modules) Object-Oriented - object-oriented (in terms of programming solutions) Dynamic - dynamic (changeable and flexible) Learning - dedicated learning Environment – environment
CEBSIT (Center for Biostatistics and Information Technology) and the Department of Preventive Medicine largest contributors for the program. E-LEARNING E-TEST In CEBSIT-in installed optical Internet. The Internet offers a much higher download and upload speeds than the current one. In addition, it is possible through direct access Kobson-in without passwords for remote access.
Related to the project we: -regularly participate in all activities and actively participate in all meetings of the project (members of the working groups), -accept and translate and print all source documents related to IL, -distribute them to Dean's colleges at all faculties, -talk to people, -we try to animate potentially interested... -write reports and fullfill all the project demands... and also: -trying to overcome the economic, cultural, political...personal and, sometimes, existential problems in this part of our country... and: -some of our libraries and librarians are, yet, very classic, or better- pretty rigid. What we have prepared for IL
The course of information literacy has been accepted as an elective subject in the first year of master studies at the Faculty of Engineering (group of technical sciences) and at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – Department for Biology. What we achieved
Mitrovica Summer Univeristy July 19-August 2, 2013: Information literacy as a tool in formal and informal education MSU 2013 offers 6 intensive academic courses of 2 weeks taught by international professors together with local professors. The courses will cover different fields such as political, social, environment, economical science and information technologies. Each demand-driven course will be taught in English by a team consisting of an international teacher, regional teacher and an assistant. After 10 teaching days, students will take the compulsory exam and get the opportunity to obtain an official Mitrovica Summer University Certificate rated by 3 to 4 ECTS credits. Approximately 150 students can participate: 80 local students, 35 students from South East Europe and 35 from EU and beyond. This year were organized a course in IL. The lecturers were Professor Bulit from Romania, prof Lepsa Zoric, Prof Zvezdan Arsic and ass. Petar Milic from UPKM. Students were given a 3 ECTS credits. What we done
We are still missing: -some good practice examples from EU Univeristies regarding IL course implementation -adequate literature for IL course for under and postgraduate students -modul (but available from National Library in Belgrade) -training programmes (but available from National Libraryin Belgrade) And we constantly complain to: -the small number of anticipated wages to staff costs -lack of time and urgent tasks that suddenly appear -EU and our administration non-compliance -and too-administration... RINGIDEA goes well, but...
How to spread the system of information literacy to LLL within the system of formal education and with existing capacities and circumstancies? ‚‚social inclusion, active citizenship‚‚ Some of the RINGIDEA objectives: Development of IL programs for lifelong learning their use in curricula as appropriate. Development of innovative online IL modules for lifelong learning. Harmonisation of the IL programs with those currently active in Western Balkan countries. Connection
In medicine (and some other sciences) we have Continuing Medical Education (CME) /Continuing Professional Development (CPD), as a life-long necessity for each doctor and it is both an ethical obligation and a fundamental right. It is needed for the individual professional competence and for safeguarding quality improvement of the overall health care system. Elements of LLL
The participants from EU countries have visited University in K. Mitrovica from June 17 th – June 19 th Several topics were discussed: -TEACHING METHODOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGIES -Information Sources and Resources -Embedding IL – case study -Teaching approaches of IL – how to evaluate teaching activity Visit to Kosovska Mitrovica
By analyzing the labor market via announced vacancies on the internet site we found out that some international companies pay attention about the information literacy and asking for constant improvement.
Thanks for your attention