LOGGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME! The Purchasing Card Holder will receive an authorization from Bank of America. Click on the link provided in the and follow the instructions for logging in. Type in your address where requested and then enter your login ID and hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
LOGGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME! The next screen will prompt you to enter a password. The password must be 8 characters long and must be alpha/numeric. You must then re-enter the password for verification in the “Confirm” Box. You must then pick one question from a list provided and answer it. You then must re-type it in the “Confirm” Box and hit the “Enter” on your keyboard. If everything was entered correctly you will then be logged into WORKS. (See next Screen for example)
LOGGING INTO WORKS The website to get to this screen is om/wpm/bookmark om/wpm/bookmark Save it as a favorite in Explorer for easy access. Enter your Use ID and Password and click Login. If you forgot your password contact Purchasing Office for a reset.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL You will notice that you do not have access to everything listed to the right! You won’t, this is an administrative login but the areas we will cover you do have access to.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL If your have transactions that requiring your sign off they will be listed here under “Sign Off”. Other wise the block will be empty. Click on “Sign Off” to see current transactions for your approval.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL This will bring up a list of purchases that require your approval and must be reallocated if the purchase falls outside of your default GL Account you provided when requesting a card.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL If the transaction does not require the GL Account to be reallocated click on the transaction to high light it. The transaction will appear at the bottom of the split screen. Then simply click “Sign Off” to approve it. This will move the transaction to the Accountants queue.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL If none of your transactions require reallocation then click on the “Table” option. This will arrange the transactions so you can high light them all at one time.
TRANSACTION APPROVAL To mark them approved all at one time click the “Check” Box. This will put a check in every box automatically. Then Click the “Sign Off” button. It will then move them out of your queue into the Accounting.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If a transaction needs to be reallocated again click and high light the transaction. At the bottom of the screen click on “Allocation”
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS This will high light the transaction at the bottom of the screen. Click on the “Add/Edit” button to start the reallocation process.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Click on General Ledger and a list of GL numbers will appear.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS You can do a search for the GL number to see if it’s in the database or type in the GL number to do a search. Enter the GL number a click “GO”.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If the GL number is not in “WORKS” this screen will inform you the GL does not exist. You will need the number to the Purchasing Department to be input.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If the GL number is in “WORKS” the GL number will appear here. Click on it and you will notice the GL number listed at the bottom of the screen changes to the GL you Selected. Click “Finish” Button.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Make sure the GL number took. Click the “Save” button and you have successfully reallocated a transaction in “WORKS”
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Now that the transaction has been reallocated you may approve it by clicking the “Sign Off” button. Repeat the reallocation process until all transactions are complete and signed off.
LOGGING OUT OF WORKS To log out of “WORKS” click “Log Out” button.