June Budhooram UNFCCC secretariat Workshop objectives and expectations
To assist experts in selecting methods and tools for mitigation assessments Objectives To share experiences in preparing mitigation assessments To address constraints and gaps encountered
Profile of participants Technical background Project manager Physics Meteorology Engineering (hydraulics, mechanical, chemical) Mitigation assessment/policy Energy planning Economics Biology Environmental science Social policy Expertise in mitigation Energy and industry Energy supply Solid waste Agriculture LUCF Tech. needs assessments CDM proj. development Financing
Involvement in initial NC and participation in mitigation workshop
Software training MARKAL – 2 participants LEAP – 5 participants GACMO – 1 participant RETScreen – 1 participant
Interests in training modules
Workshop expectations At the end of the workshop, the participants expect … To prepare mitigation projects To acquire new skills and knowledge To improve mitigation options To improve the preparation of national communications To link mitigation with environment, health and sustainable development To manage/work with mitigation team To develop mitigation options for small size countries To understand steps in mitigation planning and implementation
Workshop expectations… To establish a network of mitigation assessment practitioners To develop strategies for partnership with industries To transfer knowledge to other colleagues To learn new tools and methodologies, e.g. ENPEP-balance, LEAP THIS WEEK IS AN INTRODUCTION TO USING THE MODELS