April Kindly contributed by Charlotte O’Brien, Northampton College. Search for Charlotte on Easily edited to suit your own learners. April Kindly contributed by Charlotte O’Brien, Northampton College. Search for Charlotte on Easily edited to suit your own learners. Curriculum links This is a fun, short warm up activity to energise Foundation learners at the start of any lesson! It asks students to make a decision on a question and either stand up or sit down depending on their views.
A series of questions are about to follow. Look at the arrows underneath the questions. If you agree with the statement next to the arrow pointing down – sit down. If you agree with the statement next to the arrow pointing up – stand up. Sit downStand up
Own an Xbox with Kinect or a Wii ? XBoxWii
Be the richest person in the world with no friends or the poorest person in the world with lots of friends? Rich + Lonely Poor with friends
Would you rather skip Christmas for a year, or skip your birthday for a year? ChristmasBirthday
Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab? JellyfishCrab
Would you rather have x- ray vision or bionic hearing? X Ray visionBionic Hearing
Would you rather find true love or 10 million pounds? True love10million pounds
Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three fat men with bad breath? DogsMen
Always have perfect hair or always have perfect teeth? HairTeeth
Lets get down to business!