Definitions by: Jeff Nease Common Phrases / Terms
Flanker Wide Receiver / Wide Out Split End Slot Receiver / Slot Man Tight End
Flanker Receiver that is wide on either side of the formation. Can be on the line or back. 80 In the backfield Flanker
Wide Receiver / Wide Out Receiver that is wide on either side of the formation. Can be on the line or back. In the backfield 1750 Wide receiver or wide out
Split End Receiver that is wide on either side of the formation. Always on the line In the backfield 1750 Split end
Slot Receiver / Slot Man Receiver that is in the slot on either side of the formation. Can be on the line or back. In the backfield The Slot 1750 Slot receiver or slot man
Tight End Receiver that is next to the tackle on either side of the formation. Always on the line. In the backfield 1750 Tight end
Hes covered Theyre cracking back Theyre chopping me Check the ball Am I okay?
Hes covered Eligible by number receiver not on the end of the line. An eligible receiver must either be an end or a back. 80 In the backfield Eligible by number receiver, ineligible by position Eligible end who has covered eligible by number receiver
Theyre cracking back Expression used when a wide out is moving back toward the ball against the flow and blocks a linebacker who may not see him coming. The act of cracking back is not illegal as long as the contact is legal. Blocks must be either from the front or side and above the waist. 80 Receiver blocking back toward the ball. Watch for legality of block D 24
Theyre chopping me Expression used when a player gets blocked (cut) below the waist. This should not be confused with a chop block. A legal block below the waist may be made by lineman in the zone. A chop block is a delayed block at the knees or below against an opponent who is in contact with a teammate of the blocker in the free blocking zone May legally block below the waist while ball is in zone Depending on his split, may legally block below waist
DD D D D D D Neutral Zone Check the ball An opportunity for the offending player to correct his position without drawing a cheap foul Check the ball Expression used by officials to alert players that someone is encroaching, or to remind players to be aware of their positioning. This preventative officiating technique should be used before penalizing a team. Try to catch the offensive linemen before they get into their 3 point stance. Talk to the umpire to help with offensive alignments. D LJ
D D D D D D D D Am I okay? Question posed by wide outs to wing officials in reference to their positioning. Inform the player where the back of the ball is or his LOS. If the player is off the LOS, indicate by pointing into the backfield. Refrain from telling (coaching) the player to move up or back. Am I okay? Indicate end is off line by extending arm, hold until snap. If player goes in motion drop arm LJ
No-Mans Land Rule 2, Section 30, Article 3: A back is any A player who has no part of his body breaking the plane of an imaginary line drawn parallel to the line of scrimmage through the waist of the nearest teammate who is legally on the line, except for the player under the snapper, who is also considered a back. Player Designations - Back
No-Mans Land Rule 2, Section 30, Article 9: A lineman is any A player who is facing his opponents goal line with the line of his shoulders approximately parallel thereto and with his head or foot breaking an imaginary plane drawn parallel to the line of scrimmage through the waist of the snapper when the ball is snapped. Player Designations - Lineman
Neutral Zone No-mans land Area where a receiver is illegally neither on the LOS or in the backfield. Eligible receivers must be either on the LOS (in the area between their LOS and the plane thru the waist of the snapper) or entirely in the backfield (no part of their body breaking the plane thru the waist of the nearest teammate on the LOS). LJ Line parallel to the LOS thru the waist of the snapper Line parallel to the LOS thru the waist of the nearest teammate who is legally on line No-mans land 82 Ineligible receiver, illegal formation Eligible receiver, legal position 73 No-mans land 8880 Eligible receiver, legal position QB is the only exception