It’s your choice! An exploration of why people do or don’t decide to exercise
Here’s Where We’re Headed In this activity, you will: – Review the benefits of exercise that we have been discussing – Learn and think about why some people exercise and some don’t – Try to convince some (fictional) people to start exercising – Fill in a chart about the exercise habits of people you know – Turn that chart into a paper that you will save on the Shared Drive to be graded
And hopefully we will end up… It is the goal of this activity that you: – Understand the different types of benefits of exercise – Understand why some people don’t exercise – Have the ability to make practical suggestions to people on how they can start exercising
Before we go any further Let me ask you a question: Other than being physically incapable, do you think there is such thing as a GOOD excuse for not exercising? YesNo
You do? Interesting. Keep that thought in your mind as you click through this activity and see if your opinion changes. On to the next step!
Really? You’re going to meet some individuals today who think otherwise. We’ll have to see if you can change their minds. On to the next step!
It’s time to Review: We’ve been discussing benefits of exercise. There are three types of benefits you receive when you exercise on a regular basis. How well do you remember them? Let’s Find Out
Okay, do you remember: Students who exercise regularly have been shown to get better grades in school. This is an example of a _______ benefit of exercise. Medical Mental Emotional
Benefits for your MIND: Exercising on a regular basis improves the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. Studies have proven that this provides mental benefits for you including: better focus, higher grades in school and higher test scores. Take me to the quiz question.
Knowing that it will improve your MENTAL performance kinda makes you wanna exercise, doesn’t it? Next, please !
Oops, Wrong answer! This is important stuff, so let’s go back and: REVIEW!
Physical Benefits: Obviously, exercising can strengthen your muscles and bones. It can also help manage your body composition. Which of the following is NOT an additional physical benefit of exercise? Stronger Immune System Increased Energy Increased Confidence
Benefits for your BODY (physical benefits) Exercising on a regular basis improves the health of your HEART and LUNGS. It also extends your life expectancy and decreases your chances of getting many serious diseases and medical conditions. Take me to the quiz question. It also helps promote a better, deeper sleep and gives you more energy throughout your day. Exercise has even been shown to provide a boost to your immune system, so you won’t get sick as often.
Knowing that it will improve your PHYSICAL well-being, don’t you think exercising is important? Next, please !
Oops, Wrong answer! This is important stuff, so let’s go back and: REVIEW!
Emotional Benefits: Did you know that when you exercise for long periods of time, your body creates a chemical called endorphins, which are released into your bloodstream to help relieve pain and make you happier? This is one example of an emotional benefit of exercise. Emotional benefits are positive changes in the way you: Feel Look Act
EMOTIONAL benefits (for your feelings) Exercising on a regular basis can do the following for the way you feel: Increase your confidence Reduce stress/anxiety Improve your mood Provide you a social/enjoyable opportunity Take me to the quiz question.
Knowing that it will improve your EMOTIONS, you should really be motivated to exercise now! Next, please !
Oops, Wrong answer! This is important stuff, so let’s go back and: REVIEW!
But wait just a minute… What exactly does “exercise regularly” mean? If you do a couple push-ups every day, will you receive all these wonderful benefits? Next…
And if exercising is so great… Wouldn’t more people do it? Think about those ideas while you read this articlethis article from and then come back and Answer some questions
Do you remember those numbers? According to the article, adults need physical activity how often in order to be healthy? 5 days a week for 30+ minutes/day 7 days a week for 30+ minutes/day 3-5 days a week for 60+ minutes/day
Oops, Wrong answer! This is important stuff, so let’s go back and: REVIEW!
Got it…let me try again!
Exercising much less than this will keep you from receiving all of the benefits we’ve talked about. Exercising much more than this will wear your body out! Next, please !
So are people exercising enough? According to the article, what percentage of people need to add more physical activity to their lives? 50%60%70%
Oops, Wrong answer! This is important stuff, so let’s go back and: REVIEW!
Holy Cow! With SO MANY benefits of exercising on a regular basis, a majority of people simply DON’T do it! Why do you think that is? Let’s find out.
Most people know that exercise is good for you. While not everyone knows ALL the detailed benefits that you now know, it would be hard to find someone who says, “I don’t exercise because I don’t think it has any value.” What you might find though are people who give other excuses. The following article gives 10 common excuses people often give, along with a recommendation for overcoming that excuse. Read the articleRead the article and then come back to: Explain to people why their excuse is NO GOOD!
Meet Jim: a 32-year old toll-booth operator I’m just flat out lazy. Exercising 5 times a week seems impossible. We asked Jim, “Why don’t you exercise? What will you tell Jim? Excuse-ometer 3-
Think about what might encourage Jim to start exercising… What will you tell him? Jim, you should take better care of yourself. Join a gym and make it a priority to start getting aerobic and muscular workouts in 5 days a week! Why don’t you try starting small. Choose an exercise that’s easy, like walking, and try to do it a couple times a week. You can work your way up from there.
Jim says: Are you kidding me? That sounds like WAY too much work. That ain’t happening. Pass Jim the cheese puffs and go select a better option. Excuse-ometer 3-
Jim says: Okay, I guess I could try that. But walking and running are so BORING. I’d rather sit here and watch the game. What will you tell Jim? Excuse-ometer 2-
Think about what might encourage Jim to start exercising… What will you tell him? Well if you like sports, why not try playing basketball or tennis with some of your friends? Why don’t you try doing situps and push-ups during the commercial breaks of your game.
Jim says: That’s not a bad idea. I haven’t seen Carl and Harry in a while. But buying a tennis racket or a YMCA membership really isn’t in my budget right now. What will you tell Jim? Excuse-ometer 1-
Jim says: Are you KIDDING me? Breaks in the game are for getting more snacks and going to the bathroom. Besides, I have tivo, so I don’t watch commercials anyway. Smack yourself in the forehead and try again. Excuse-ometer 2-
Think about what might encourage Jim to start exercising… What will you tell him? You don’t have to go to the Y to play basketball. I see $10 worth of soda cans lying around your living room. Use those to go buy yourself a basketball and head to the local park with your friends! Well maybe you could get a guest pass at 24 hour fitness. I think those are about half the cost!
Jim says: But now let’s meet Lisa… Excuse-ometer 0- Yeah, I guess you’re right. Hey, I’m out of excuses. Thanks to you, I’ve decided to get off my butt and start exercising. Now look at me!
Jim says: Are you deaf? Did you not hear me say that I don’t want to spend any money on this crazy “exercise” idea of yours? Get your act together and try another option. Excuse-ometer 1-
Meet Lisa: a 26-year old accountant We asked Lisa, “Why don’t you exercise? What will you tell Lisa? I have two small kids and a demanding work schedule. I’m way too busy to exercise. Excuse-ometer 3-
Think about what might encourage Lisa to start exercising… What will you tell her? Well money doesn’t seem to be an issue, so have you considered taking fitness classes at the local gym? They’re offered at all times of the day. You could try to fit in some exercises during your busy schedule by taking a walk on your lunch break or riding your bike to work
Lisa says: Listen to what the lady said and try again. Like I said, I’m too busy. I would love to join one of those classes, but I literally don’t have a free hour in my week. Excuse-ometer 3-
Lisa Says: What will you tell Lisa? I like the lunch break idea. But if I’m going to exercise, I want to really do something rigorous. And there’s just no time for that. Excuse-ometer 2-
Think about what might encourage Lisa to start exercising… What will you tell her? What time do your kids get up? Could you just set your alarm 45 minutes earlier and go for a jog in the morning before they get out of bed? Well what about spending time with your kids while you exercise? You could go on a family bike ride when you get home.
Lisa says: What will you tell Lisa? Hey, that would work. My husband is usually up in the morning with the kids anyway. But you know, I really hate how I look when I run or exercise. I don’t want people driving by to laugh at me. Excuse-ometer 1-
Lisa Says: Nice try, but maybe use a different approach. Sorry kiddo, but do you know anything about little kids? When I get home from work at 6:00, it’s time for dinner, bath and bedtime. That takes all evening. Excuse-ometer 2-
Think about what might encourage Lisa to start exercising… What will you tell her? Well how about an exercise video? You can pop one of those in and exercise in the privacy of your own living room! Well have you considered running in the dark? That way no one would have to look at you.
Lisa says: Ready to move on? What a wonderful idea! I too am out of excuses. And even though I’m waking up earlier, I’ve had more energy and gotten better sleep since I started exercising. Thanks for the encouragement! Excuse-ometer 0-
Lisa Says: Put some ice on your cheek and try again. **SMACK** How dare you? Are you saying I’m ugly?! And do you really think it’s safe to run down my street in the dark?
Well Congratulations! You’ve successfully convinced two separate individuals to start exercising. And now it’s time to think of some people you know. For the next portion of this activity, you will fill out a chart about one person you know who does exercise, one person you know who doesn’t, and yourself. You will then turn that information into a paper. Click on the button below to open the document in Microsoft Word, and finish the assignment there. Word Doc