Use your AD user name and password The URL for Footprints is: Log in to Footprints
Default Homepage after login
Click on “Personal Calendar” Personal Calendar Link
Click here to set your preferences The initial calendar window
All options are shown set at their defaults, you can make changes to suit your needs. Click “go” to save your changes. This will take you back to the main calendar window. Calendar Preferences
Click here to set your work schedule The calendar window
On this screen you set up your work hours for the week. Check the box beside the days you work, and set your start and stop times. You have the option of toggling a second shift as well as a 24 hour work day. This will show the times you are regularly available for assignment. Work Schedule (top half)
Holidays that have been added to the workspace calendar will show here in your personal calendar. Work Schedule (bottom half) Holidays/Exceptions
You can add your own day off by selecting the type, adding a name and date from these fields. Then click “add new”. Work Schedule (bottom half) Holidays/Exceptions
For a partial day, it gives extra fields to fill in the start and end times. Work Schedule (bottom half) Holidays/Exceptions
For a date range, it gives extra fields to fill in the new and end dates, keeping you from having to enter each date of a vacation individually. You would then enter your password and click the save icon. Work Schedule (bottom half) Holidays/Exceptions
You can check agent availability by clicking here. The calendar window
You can select whatever team you like to have as your default view by clicking the “save as default view” icon, click the back icon to return to the main calendar window. The default view for this screen is “All Agents”, from the dropdown you can select whichever team you need to see the availability for. The agent availability screen
You can create appointments by clicking here. The calendar window
In the bottom section, add location, personal is already checked to add to your calendar and you can add a description of the appointment. In the upper section of this screen, you put in the title, start date and time and the end date and time. Create Appointment window (General Info)
You can also check availability by clicking the control here. On the Invitees tab, you can select teams or individuals. Just highlight the name in the People list and click the arrow to move it to the Invitees list. Create Appointment window (invitees)
On the confirmation tab you can check off who needs to receive the confirmation . We do not have the ability to synch with outlook, so that should be unchecked. You can set your reminder time here as well. Create Appointment window ( confirmation)
When you have finished configuring your settings, click save to complete the appointment. On the Recurrence tab you can activate a recurring appointment and set how often and for how long you want it to recur. Create Appointment window (recurrence)
To refresh your view, print your calendar, close the screen or get help, click on the appropriate icon. You can change the view from Day to Week, Month or Year by clicking one of the options above. The calendar window