Legislative Branch by: Yvette Corona
Structure Similarities United States Japan Bicameral Legislature Congress is made up of two parts; the Senate and the house of Representatives Bicameral Legislature The National diet is made up of two parts; the House of Councillors and the House of Representatives
Select the president/minister Override bills by two thirds of vote Similarities- powers Make laws Impeach officials Select the president/minister Override bills by two thirds of vote
Other similarities… United States Japan Members from The House of Representatives and from The Senate are elected by percent of vote by party Members of The House of Representatives and The house of Councillors are elected by percent of vote by party
Differences –Members Japan United States House of Councillors is made up of 242 members The House of Representatives is made up of 480 members The Senate is made up 100 members The House of Representatives is made up 435 members
Differences-Office terms Japan United States The Senate- 6 year terms House of Representatives- 2 year terms House of Councillors-Fixed 6 year terms The house of Representatives- Maximum 4 year terms
Differences-Representation United States Japan Senate = Equal representation House of Representatives = Proportional representation Both houses use proportional representation