Patrick Jones
The Turn Around Books I dont think there is one turn-around book. That reduces a love to reading to a silver bulletor in this case a magic book. Reluctant readers come to reading reluctantly. For a while theyll be book-at-a- time readers---readers who will read the book we put into their hand but they wont seek out the next good book on their own. Gradually, with support and encouragement, theyll move toward a stance that says, This reading thing is goodgood enough that Ill seek a book out on my own. Maybe thats the turn-around-bookthe book that the kid on his own finds that he enjoys - Dr. K. Beers (via )
Turnaround titles Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak Ashanti. Foolish/Unfoolish Banks, Russell. Rule of the Bone (M) Brunvand, Jan Harold. Big Book of Urban Legends
Turnaround titles Burgess, Melvin. Doing It (M) Card, Orson Scott. Enders Game Chbosky, Stephen. Perks Of Being A Wallflower (M) Cisneros, Sandra. House On Mango Street
Turnaround titles Curtis, Christopher Paul. The Watsons Go To Birmingham1963 Drooker, Eric. Blood Song Flake, Sharon. Skin Im In Flake, Sharon. Who Am I Without Him
Turnaround titles Flinn, Alex. Breathing Underwater Foley, Mick. Have A Nice Day (M) Gantos, Jack. Hole In My Life Giles, Gail. Playing in Traffic
Turnaround titles Giles, Gail. Shattering Glass Glenn, Mel. Class Dismissed Going, K. L. Fat Kid Rules The World Korman, Gordon. Son Of The Mob
Turnaround titles Groening, Matt. Simpsons Comics (any) Hinton, S.E. Outsiders Holmes, Shannon. Be More Careful (M) Johnson, Angela. First Part Last
Turnaround titles Keys, Alice. Tears For Water Lubar, David. Hidden Talents McCall, Nathan. Makes Me Wanna Holler McDonald, Janet. Spellbound
Turnaround titles Mowry, Jess. Way Past Cool Myers, Walter Dean. Monster Nixon, Joan Lowry. Whispers From The Dead Paolini, Christopher. Eragon
Turnaround titles Paulsen, Gary. Harris and Me Paulsen, Gary. Hatchet Pelzer, David. Child Called It Porter, Connie Rose. Imani All Mine
Turnaround titles Rodriquez, Louis. Always Running (M) Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter (any) Sachar, Louis. Holes Shakur, Sanyika. Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member ( M)
Turnaround titles Shakur, Tupac. Rose That Grew from Concrete Shan, Darren. Cirque Du Freak series Sleator, William. Interstellar Pig Smith, Jeff. Bone
Turnaround titles Souljah, Sister. Coldest Winter Ever (M) Sparks, Beatrice. Go Ask Alice Stine, R.L. Dangerous Girls Strasser, Todd. Give A Boy A Gun
Turnaround titles Tillage, Leon Walter. Leons Story Trueman, Terry. Stuck In Neutral Tyree, Omar. Flyy Girl (M) Vibe magazine staff. Tupac.
Turnaround titles Werlin, Nancy. Killers Cousin Williams, Stanley Tookie. Life In Prison Woodson, Jacqueline. Miracles Boys Woods, Teri. Dutch (M)
Small group exercise #5:
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 1. A library card: 2. Booklists: 3. Booktalking : 4. Build relationships:
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 5. Celebrate Teen Read Week: 6. Contests: 7. Displays: 8. Follow-up :
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 9. Freedom and choice: 10. Get input: 11. Get out of the library: 12. Get over yourself:
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 13. Get them in the building : 14. Go the shelves: 15. High visibility merchandising: 16. Honesty:
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 17. Keep current : 18. Listen: 19. Non-judgmental attitude: 20. Reader's advisory:
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 21. Samples: 22. Wave goodbye to just fiction 23. Weed the collection: 24. Zowie! Get graphic
25 things to do to reach reluctant readers tomorrow 25. Whats missing?
For More Information Connecting with Reluctant Teen Readers Patrick Jones, Maureen L. Hartman, and Patricia Taylor Neal-Schuman, coming in summer 2006
A core collection for reluctant readers: a tool box Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) website. Includes a variety of booklists, including Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, Best Books for Young Adults and others.
Final thoughts Date: Thu, 15 Sep :34: (PDT) From: "Amanda Subject: Hi I loved your book To: My name is Amanda!!! I am 15 years old and I have just finished reading your book "Things Change". It has been the most inspiring thing that I have read in my life!!! See normally I do not enjoy reading but, this book just captured me and sucked me in!!! I have never finished a whole book, but this one I read it in two days flat!!! I have never read a book that related so well to teens today. You were so real when you wrote this book I was shocked to find that this was your first book dedicated to teens!!! I only wish that you write more!!! The girl Johanna was so strong it only made feel good about my self!!! I could relate to every single thing in the book and it can only show to others that real things can happen to real people!!! And you told it like it was in the book..... I just wrote to tell you that you are now my favorite author!!! And I HOPE that you write many more teen books because I can guarantee you I will the first to get one!!!
Hardcover ISBN: Price: $ pages April 2004 Paperback ISBN: ISBN 13: Price: $ pages April 2006
nailed Hardcover ISBN: ISBN 13: Price: $ pages Size: 5-1/2 x 8-1/4 April 2006
Chasing Tail Lights Hardcover ISBN: ISBN 13: Price: $ pages August 2007
Cheated Hardcover ISBN: Price: $ pages Size: 5-1/2 x 8-1/4 April 2008
Stolen Car / October 2008 Danielle is drawn to Reid, the quintessential bad boy. Even though she should learn from her mothers poor taste in men, she gets caught in Reids lifestyle. Danielle turns a blind eye to his lies, and is soon in way over her head. But her BFF Ashley is determined not to let Danielle become the road kill on Reids joy ride through life. Once she forces Dani to see through Reids deception, they take off on a revenge-injected road trip that starts with a stolen car and ends with some harsh truths.
Connecting Young Adults and Libraries Patrick Jones Consulting, training, and coaching for providing powerful youth services including library card campaigns and web projects