GETTING THE STORY 1.What makes a story? 2.How do you get the story?
What makes a story? 1.What your audience wants or needs to know. 2.News elements of timeliness, nearness, importance, conflict, human interest, uniqueness.
Whose the audience? 1.Students 2.Faculty and staff 3.Parents 4.People in the community
What are news elements? 1.Timeliness 2.Nearness 3.Importance 4.Conflict 5.Human interest 6.Uniqueness
Choose a story that your audience will want to read and that contains at least one new element.
But there is nothing to report… 1.Check with administration 2.Check with clubs and teams 3.Check out classes 4.Check out events 5.Check out guidance 6.Check with coaches 7.Ask around among your friends
There are no bad story ideas, only bad approaches
How do you get the story? Interviews
Top 6 reasons for bad interviews 1.Person wouldnt say anything. 2.I couldnt find my questions. 3.I asked him/her to give me a quote, but he/she wouldnt. 4.The person talked too fast. 5.There was no story. 6.I couldnt think of anything to ask.
How to get a good interview 1.Prepare for the interview…do your homework! 2.Be professional in the interview.
Prepare for the interview 1.Know your angle, or at least what your editor thinks the angle is. 2.Research, research, research. 3.Find at least three people to interview, at least one from each group. 4.Prepare those questions, at least Make an appointment for the interview.
Questions??????????????????? 1.Remember the 5 Ws and 1 H, especially the Why 2.Avoid these kinds of questions a. Yes/No b. Leading questions c. General questions d. Think/Feel questions e. Two or Three part questions
Showtime – The Interview 1.Be prepared with paper, pens, pencils, tape recorder, batteries, and questions! 2.Introduce yourself and your purpose. 3.Confirm the spelling of interviewees name, job title and position. 4.Ask permission to use the tape recorder, but take notes too. 5.Ask your questions, but be flexible.
6.Maintain eye contact and give positive feedback (Um, uh-huh). 7.Make note of nonverbal communication (body language, gestures, pauses, facial expressions) 8.Always confirm statistics, dates, times, money, etc. and ask for clarification when needed. 9.Never hesitate to read back statement. 10.End with a thank you.
Good interviews make GOOD STORIES!