This algorithm is used for dimension reduction. Input: a set of vectors {Xn є }, and dimension d,d<D. Output: a set of vectors {Yn є }
This Iterative algorithm is used for grouping of vectors. Input: a set of vectors {Xn є D}, number of groups-P. Output: a set of vectors {Xn є D}, which are labeled by (1…P).
This Iterative algorithm offers a statistical model for a set of vectors. Input: a set of vectors {Xn є D}, number of groups-P, expectations of each group, empiric probability, empiric variances. Output: a set of vectors {Xn є D}, which are labeled by (1…P).
PCA +(x,y)
Definition: given two segmentations, A and B, the RI test will be: When the function I{X} is an indicator function.
76.19% 86.67%
80.74% 87.55%
70.42% 64.13%