POETRY IN MOTION The Partnership Outreach Education Models – two years on.


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Presentation transcript:

POETRY IN MOTION The Partnership Outreach Education Models – two years on

What is POEMs? A national action research project to inform education policy for young people disconnected from school and possibly families and community life –21 projects –Over 30 towns and cities –Almost 50 providers –Over 1,500 young people annually Engage, educate, develop, support, network and re-engage with mainstream pathways

Why was POEMs introduced? YPAP Taskforce concerned with the negative effects of disconnection Pilot initiative to test hypotheses including community learning settings and joined up approaches Variety of approaches to inform policy development

Who/ where/ how? 13 – 19 years disconnected from education Providers from range of sectors Broad based local partnerships Comfortable settings including youth centres, houses and training facilities Focus on education, life skills and employability skills

Capturing the Learnings Action Research Framework –Qualitative and quantitative reporting –Action Learning Diaries –Input from young people and partners –Close working relationships Evaluation –Analyse reports –Action learning forums –Site visits and interviews

Key Lessons Disconnected young people value education Multiple flexibilities –Guidelines –Lessons from action research implemented immediately –Similar objectives, different models and different outcomes for individual participants –Young people dealing with complex issues Not just education and training –Engaging, supporting, developing Multi-disciplinary staff required Broad curriculum options necessary

Key Lessons continued High participation by Indigenous young people –Flexibility of POEMs seems to cater well for different learning styles Dedicated project coordination to ensure broad outcomes and maintain partnerships Organisational leadership, succession planning and partnerships are critical to success –Commonwealth, State, Community, Business, Local Government, Education, Young People, Parents

Pause to consider Who could be critical partners if your agency was to implement a partnership outreach education model?