Teaching the National Keelboat Program ‘In-House Training’
Keelboat Instructor Training (L1) Can be run In-House or by State Theory 3hrs (EDICT) Centre safety policy, Role of instructor, YAIW work book Practical 9 hrs (3x3hr sessions) Observes, Assists, Delivers under supervision of a Level 2-3 Instructor On Water Assessment* (3hrs) Deliver a session to ‘live’ students *This must be conducted by an appointed Senior Instructor
Keelboat Instructor (L1) can teach: Discover Sailing Experience Start Crewing Start Helming
Keelboat - Start Crewing For Complete Beginners Emphasis on Safety and Enjoyment Should ‘Understand’ how to do use Safety equipment, Theory of sailing. Basic Knowledge of the Boat and rigging of sails Use cleats, winches, Halyards and Sheets Understands action to recover MOB
Keelboat - Start Helming Building on Start Crewing Correct use of safety equipment on board Can prepare all rigging of the boat Can recover a MOB Can Helm on all points of sail Basic knowledge of Rule of the Road Use of weather forecasts Anchoring in an Emergency
What type of instructor? What, in your experience makes a ‘bad’ instructor and a ‘good’ instructor? Refer to your work book... What type of Instructor are YOU?
How do people learn? The difference between: Learning ‘theory’ knowledge Learning practical skills
Learning Practical Skills All senses: 1.Hearing 2.Sight 3.Touch/feel Wide variance with : 1. Age (Adults – Kids) 2. Attitude 3. Confidence. Understanding? Doing Reinforcing
Types of Instruction 1. Experiential Instructor teaches principles then ‘lets student get on with it’ Student is responsible for the route taken Time consuming Difficult to apply constraints Can be difficult for the instructor to ‘pull it all together’
Types of Instruction 2. Dictatorial ‘Sailing by numbers’ -Do this, then do that and this will happen Does not teach principles Does not let the student understand what they are doing Removes any ‘exploration’ in the task Inflexible - parrot learning Doesn’t teach student to make their own decisions based on assessment of situation
Session Plan The plan should include………. Wind Tide Time allowed Briefing of the crew Break down of the manoeuvre itself Obstructions Other water users
Layering Dissemble a manoeuvre into individual tasks Teach one principle (task) at a time Practice Add components together Do not attempt to ‘bake the cake’ until you have assembled all the ingredients
EDICT- the combined Approach E xplanation- the Principles D emonstration I mitation C orrection T raining (practice) EDICT
Explanation Clear Concise (short)- ‘Bullet points’- Don’t be verbose Be Relevant- avoid going off on tangents Pictures tell a thousand words ( Use Introductory Keelboat training aid Use the boat! Audible / visible- have you got everyone’s attention? Understood- test by asking questions Remember- You can never make it too simple!
Demonstration Clear Concise Matches explanation You as an instructor MUST demonstrate on how YOU would like it done
Imitation Students attempt to ‘copy’ instructors demo Instructor observes students, making notes if necessary Instructor only intervenes if safety is compromised
Correction Feedback model Praise/corrective feedback/praise Identify fault(s)-no more than 3 Have the students try again If they still can’t demonstrate, YOU the instructor must demonstrate again Once identified, suggest solution Try to give opportunity to apply solution
Debrief Sunglasses – remove Wind direction Sun Eye contact / level Physical position Pitfalls…..
Training (practice) Allow practice of ‘good’ things, too This will reinforce good practice. More feedback can be given as necessary
Sign or Defer? Logbook Instructor must sign the log book DEFER Do they understand the principles? i.e. Does the Student need: 1. more Practice or 2. more tuition Don’t sign if they haven’t got it…
Any Questions?