Project Yourself into the Future Sheryl Morgan Project Support Manager Wintec ATEM Conference 9 – 10 July 2007 Manukau Institute of Technology
Using Projects to Bring About Change (Successfully) How can tertiary organisations going through major change ensure that the high risk of failure of their key strategic and change projects is minimised?
How to Avoid the Journey from Here …
To Here…
Projects are as much about the process as the tasks being undertaken Using projects which align the organisation’s business objectives with the project’s deliverables have a robust project management structure & process pay attention to the people factors Projects are as much about the process as the tasks being undertaken
Managing Change Complex Difficult Changing behaviour Tertiary sector change QRP Investing in a plan Funding
Risk Factors (Murphy’s Law) Urgency of the task Complexity of the task Importance of the task Skill of the people involved Frequency they do the task aggravation constant aggravation constant aggravation constant aggravation…….
Achieving Strategic and Change Goals Urgent √ Complex √ Important √ Skill of the people involved no worries/bit of coaching needed/panic Frequency they meet goals all the time/some of the time/virgin
Using Projects to Bring About Change (Successfully) Why? Framework and boundaries (eating the elephant) Methodology/process Accountability Risk containment
Why Wintec Moved to Projects to Manage Change 2003, new CEO with strong project background Large number of issues needing attention at once Willingness to tackle things but not sure how Using projects to manage change a tried & tested method
What is Project Management? Directing and co-ordinating people and resources to meet planned goals of scope, quality, time, cost, participant satisfaction Size – probably longer than 3 months, and involving more than 3 people more difficult than management of Business as Usual
It’s Not Perfect NZ survey of 130 projects (75 organisations) only 35% on time, budget & met scope During any project, inevitable conflict over Securing resources with competing priorities Getting people to work towards one goal Commitment to the vision (change projects)
No Rocket Science Required!
Project Management Minimum A plan (task list) Some form of tracking the plan Some mechanism for change management (who agrees & signs off on the changes) Some way of managing project issues (the bad stuff that happens in projects)
Successful Projects – Project Planning Terms of Reference with Project Goal Objectives Scope Completion & Success Factors Stakeholders Milestones
Project Goal Example Project goal for reorganisation of academic structure To recommend, with an implementation plan, a model suitable to support the delivery and management of WINTEC’s academic programmes and associated activities
Project Objectives Example – Academic Workload Project Academic workload data collection tool developed and agreed Data collected from academic staff on workload Academic staff and other stakeholders consulted on academic workload issues Academic workload policy and processes revised Job descriptions for ASM, SASM, PASM reviewed
Successful Projects – Project Planning Action Plan Risk Management Plan Communication Plan Issues Register
Action Plan Example – Academic Workload Project Activity - Develop draft academic workload data collection tool Milestone – Data collection tool completed Responsible Person – Project Support Manager Due Date – December 2006 Status -
Successful Projects - Aligning Projects to Strategic Direction Project goal Project objectives (deliverables) Project sponsor Project leader
Successful Projects - Project Leader Skills People skills, people skills, people skills (communication, facilitation, meeting management, conflict management, influence, trust) Task skills (organisation, delegation, planning, problem-solving) Ability to see the big organisational picture Time management & ability to meet deadlines
Successful Project Teams Range of skills & experience Different levels in organisation Across organisational units Ability to move between big picture & detail Lay person Time
Successful Projects - Management Project tracking/monitoring Project reporting Support
Successful Projects - Learning Organisational learning - complete a project evaluation What went right? What went wrong? What could have been done better? What lessons can be learned?
When Good Projects Go Bad Key Reasons for Project Failure No clearly defined outcome Wrong project manager Lack of upper management support Inadequately defined tasks Ineffective use of project management processes Reluctance to end project
People Problems Project Leader skills inadequate Project management skills Interpersonal skills Project team composition inappropriate (not the right skills or at the right level) Poor team dynamics (lateness, not attending, not completing agreed tasks, conflict)
Project Management Problems Failure to project plan Failure to keep deadlines Poor meeting processes Competing work pressures/internal politics Failure to agree/understand deliverables Poor relationship or lack of communication with senior management Inability to manage project dependencies Lack of communication/consultation with stakeholders
But Wait, There’s More Changes in the external environment Implementation Needs the same project planning Needs a good handover from the Project Leader to the implementation manager Implementation Manager’s skills are just as important as the project leader’s
Wintec Project Management Structure Project Leaders report to Project Sponsors (Executive members) Project Support Manager monitors projects & provides Executive with progress reports
Project Support Manager Coaching (templates, guidelines) Support to achieve deliverables Peer support (project leaders’ network) Project issue resolution Milestone tracking (risk management for Exec) Communication Alignment with senior management
Project Support Project templates on intranet Terms of Reference Action Plan Risk Management Plan Communication Plan Issues Register Changes Register Team Member Evaluation Project Leader Evaluation
Project Support Project guidelines on intranet Starting a Project Team Member Selection Project Sponsor Role Project Leader Role Managing a Project Closing a Project Effective Project Meetings What Goes Wrong in Project Management
So, Does Project Management of Change Work? Some Wintec Examples: Reorganising the academic structure (12 Schools, industry relationships, Team Leader roles) 2004 Centrally managed enrolment processes (merging 17 work units) 2003 Quality systems and processes for the annual review of programmes 2003 Academic workload 2007
Contact Details Sheryl Morgan Project Support Manager Wintec (07) 834 8800 ext. 7866 0274 507 007