1 #1 Project Infrastructure #2Office #3 Finance Deployment Readiness
2 Project / Human and Operational Infrastructure Jain Leadership 2010 April 3 rd, 20010
Many projects continue to be stalled due to inadequate infrastructure required to push project to completion Project 1.Fundraising Services Required FUNDING COLLATORAL/ PRINTING/WEB MARKETING/ COMMUNICATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT DISTRIBUTION 2.Jain Way Of Life 3.Calendar 4.Education Committee 5.Membership Management = Project bottlenecks 6.Mangalam
JCNC Chicago Boston M emphis JAINA Mix Marriage Non-Indians Jain Scholars JAINS Education Jain College Students Solution: Need to touch our membership, volunteers, Jain Centers and offer them fresh content and services Need to Connect –Communicate - Collaborate Problem: NORTH AMERICAN JAINs, JAIN CENTERS, COMMITTEES, DIRECTORS HAVE BEEN SILOED – NOW WE NEED TO BE LOCAL AND GLOBAL!; Need to Strengthen our organizational infrastructure
JAINA Infrastructure Development Plan Umbrella to Service Based Organization JAINA (Future) Marketing Technical Support Distribution Events Management Fundraising Leadership Development Promotions Service Based Organization ConventionsCommittees Local Centers Education Umbrella Organization JAINA (Present)
- Very Active Site 6
Recent Successes JAINA Leadership conferences Haiti/ JAINA eDigest JNF/MIS Washington DC registration and YJA Trip registration Committee information Director information Donation Content / Resources
JainLink Connect With family, friends, people of similar interest Example: Physicians, Cisco, from Surat, India, mix marriage groups Communicate Form groups Generate and consume content (news, events, audio, video, updates, etc.) Collaborate Work on projects Get volunteers Example: High school presentation, develop Jain material, etc.
Some Thoughts on our Future… New JAINA Infrastructure Fundraising Support Publications Support Jain Projects Management Communi- cations Management Web Management Surveying Capabilities Mail-list management JAINA Hotline Support raise of $250K 1 new page per day 40,000 member Mail list 1 e-letter/month 1 new brochure/mo. Process 20 calls/day 200 outgoing calls/mo. 10 on-line surveys 10 new booklet development Track 20 projects Services to Jain Centers JAINA Exec./Committees: Administrative support Web storage Web conferencing Web survey Mail list mgm. Newsletter, etc.
A new service-oriented infrastructure for JAINA can benefit a number of key stakeholders Local Jain Institutions Non-Jains English teaching material development and dissemination worldwide for Pathshala and interfaith groups Support in development, publication, printing, and distribution of new materials Leadership training for youths and local Jain institution leaders Transfer of member donations to their charities in India College campus outreach PR (Public relations) campaign to increase awareness of Jainism Jain/Non-Violence teaching packets for High Schools Summer scholar program for graduate/professors with Harvard University Scholarships for advanced Jain studies in India Jains in North America Jain Networking Forum (JNF) and MIS (Marriage Information Services) Yearly pilgrimage to India On-Line portal for purchasing of Jain products One stop for Jain literature, scholar, and related resources (e.g. Jain Digest) Retirement planning and planned giving StakeholderKey Services That Can Be Offered
JAINA-JL Team (Now part of Technology Committee – Under Girish Shah) Chandrakant Vora – Project Lead, Past JCGBoston President, Head of NA Jain Directory Yogendra Jain – Project Lead, VP-JAINA NorthEast and Chairman of JAINA/Long Range Planning Committee Paulomi Gudka – Project Leader Naman Jain - YJA Pooja Jain – Coordinator Jigar Vora – Coordinator Girish Shah - Head of JAINA Technology Team Manish Mehta - VP-JAINA MidWest Sunil Jain - Chicago Jain Center (JNF coordinator) Chintan Shah – Past Co-Chair of YJA Prem Jain – Past president of JCNC and Director of JAINA
Infrastructure Is there a problem with current infrastructure? What is the problem? What are the specific needs? Who are the stakeholders? 12
Synergy with JAINAs and Local Tools Official JAINA website Information on JAINA committees, activities, events, people, etc. JAINCENTER.ORG Local center website Local activities, events, people, etc. Local Pathshala content On-Line portal for all North American Jains Dynamically form new groups Project / volunteer mgm. Share best practices Allow connection and collaboration for all NA Jains JAINA-JL Portal
JAINA-JL and Local Jain Center Collaboration Jain Center Responsibility: Promotes JainLink (sends JainLink information and places a link on their local website) Appoints an individual or a team to work be admin for the JainLink-Jain Center Group (optional) Shares s of its members Jain Center Benefits: Free Full on-line secure access to all updated members database for the Center Be able to form subgroups, blogs, etc. Insure accurate membership information for publication in next North American Directory
JainLink – For individual Users Content: Share, generate, archive On-Line resources News, events, blogs Form many active groups Get targeted information (for youths, mothers, leaders) Share best practices in Jain Centers Highly secure and managed
Benefits to Centers, Groups, Committees Instant groups Blogs, photos, content, custom pages, news, events, etc. Multiple group only administrators Easy to add and share content Member management Indiviual users manage their own membership Users decide what information to share What Centers can do s, group mgm. Surveys / Quizzes high quality newsletters Have their websites linked to this Highlight all committee members Secure Individual log in and control
Membership Management Vision and Opportunities (110,000 Jains in NA) Membership database Direct communication on topics of THEIR interest News, events Networking Continuity during transitioning Local and JAINA Gather data Demographic and trend analysis
On-Board JAINA-JainLink Organizations: YJA YJP Jain Scholars Jain College Students (Campus Outreach Program) Committee: Long Range Planning JNF MIS Diaspora Calendar
19 Jain Centers who are interested in integrating with JAINA-JLL Jain Center of Greater Boston Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago (JSMC) Jain Society of Memphis Jain Society of Washington DC Jain Society of Wisconsin
Next Steps Is your community / Jain Center interested in participating? Identify your IT technology / membership Identify couple of volunteers who are IT savvy Send an to us: Send us: Your mailing list with s of your members Name, address, telephone number for your center Give us three names for your centers JainLink admin Schedule training (we will train your admins)
Value Proposition Individual On-line access to fellow Jains Access to Newsletter, Education and other material Easy to get to all Jain Organization websites, including a powerful JAINA website (under development) Ability to control security, privacy Sense of belonging to our community Ability to maintain profile on their own – fast, accurate, timely Individual Groups Web-based, professionally maintained membership database Communicate with group member by Common system across USA Jain Community Organization Offer this service to your membership No cost Your membership connected to all Jains in North America Unites us all
22 Jain Centers who are interested in integrating with JAINA-JLL Jain Center of Greater Boston Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago (JSMC) Jain Society of Memphis Jain Society of Washington DC Jain Society of Wisconsin
JAINLink / JAINA infrastructure will allow JAINA and Jain Centers to offer many new services New JAINA Infrastructure Fundraising Support Publications Support Jain Projects Management Communi- cations Management Web Management Surveying Capabilities Mail-list management JAINA Hotline Execute services for members Web site refreshing and maintenance Web site development for special projects (e.g. Online Pathshala), local institutions, etc. Donation follow-up, general inquiry, welcome calls to new immigrants Brochure development, , calling, follow-ups Mail list refresh and segmentation initiative Brochure development, , calling, follow-ups Coordination and tracking of current Jain projects (e.g. Calendar project) Administrative assistance such as setting up conference, web meetings, etc. Collateral material development (brochure, flyers, cards, etc.) Surveys via online telephone to better understand needs and characteristics of Jains
24 Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life EXPAND (awareness in Jains and Non-Jains) EVOLVE (our JWOL practices) ENERGIZE (our organization) EDUCATE (and impact trends) Developed by: JAINA-Long Range Committee, Kellogg Leadership Team, Jain Centers and JAINA Executives, YJA, YJP, Local Jains Leaders, and North American Jains ? ?
YoungYouth Young Adults Seniors Local Center YJAYJP Local Center Local Center JAINA
26 VISION FOR JAINA FOR NEXT 25 YEARS… Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life EXPAND (Awareness in Media) EVOLVE (our JWOL practices) ENERGIZE (our organization) EDUCATE (JAIN/Non-Jain in JWOL)
27 JAINA – Current Status Current Yr Target for Yr Target for Yr Estimated NA Jain Population113,000140,000160,000 Estimated Collective Total Yearly Income of NA Jains$4.2 billion$4.9 billion Target Annual Donation to JAINA$200K $4 million $10 million Vision: Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life.1%
28 Year 2020 Snapshot People: 153,000 Jains (61K families) Assets: $26 Billion Aggregate Income: $5.3 Billion Population Growth: Avg. 1.5 – 2% Donations: ½ % income to JAINA - $25M Age Pop. (000)
29 Evolve - our traditional Jain practices by adopting the Jain Way of Life to the modern, North American lifestyle. Yr. 2005Yr # Rituals Refreshed and Added 6 Ref., 6 Add % Jains Practicing Vegan Diet 1%10% % of Jain Men Abstaining from Alcohol 10%25% % of Jains Avoiding Animal Product 3%15% # Hours of Learning / Meditating / Practicing 14 # of Copies of Jain Literature in Hands of Non- Jains 100,000 Average Hours/Year Social Service Per Person 10 hr. /yr80hrs % Jains Proactivley Practicing Anekantvad 10%25%
30 Educate - of Jain Way of Life among Jains and non-Jains family members to create a strong, united, and vibrant Jain community. Yr. 2005Yr % Jains Practicing Pro-Active Unity (Sect and Language) 10%40% % Mix Marriages Living JWOL 20%50% % of Jains Marrying non-Jains 40%50% % Jains Kids (5-17) Learning Jainism 10-15%50% Jain Handbook to Non-Jain Spouse + Visit 0%85% # Hours Attendance of JAINA On-Line Seminars hrs
31 EXPAND – awareness through strategic partnerships with media, institutions, and non-Jain organizations. Yr. 2005Yr #Non-Jains Who Know about JWOL 6 mill. # NA Vegetarians/Animal rights/Yoga teachers that have had 1 hour of Exposure to Jainism # of Jain books in Bookstore 03 On-line magazine; portal; news; web2 TVweb/wk % of High Schoolers Who Know that Gandhi and MLK Influenced by Jains 0%3% Number of talks (in non-Jain forum) given by Jains on Jainism 10 /yr2000/yr # NA Major Press Coverage on Jainims / JWOL per year Jain Temples (with Jain Exhibits) Being Tourist Attractions for Non-Jains 150 Other Innovative Promotions: Jain Movie, University Chairs, etc PhD/ 2Chairs Jain representation on Board/Management of Non-profit Org. 010 # Active Dialogs with NA/International Companies to Protest Anti-JWOL Issues Inclusion of Anekantvad and Non-Violence in Business Management Teachings 1 Univ.40 Univ.
32 Energize – our organization through volunteers and donations and create a vibrant professionally run central Jain organization. Yr. 2005Yr Donation Per Family $7$200 JAINA Paid Staff JAINA Leaders Under 40 as JAINA Directors/ Committees 35% JAINA/Jain Center Leaders Trained 1,000 Facilitate Integrated Practices between Local Centers and JAINA 040 centers Awareness of JAINA Vision/Mission in NA Homes 60% JAINA Understanding of Membership Needs and tracking trends in NA Research Research / Update Plan
33 Live and Promote a Jain Way of Life JAINA Jain Centers NA Jains JAINA Jain Centers NA Jains EXPAND (Awareness in Media) EVOLVE (our JWOL practices) ENERGIZE (our organization) EDUCATE (JAIN/Non-Jain in JWOL)