doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 1 High Throughput Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides Jon Rosdahl
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 2 Objectives for Jan 2003 Complete the discussion on the PAR and 5 Criteria Response Send PAR and 5 Criteria to WG for approval to send to SEC for approval and creation of the Task group in March 2003.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 3 Doc Submissions Submissions for Text for PAR and 5 Criteria –03-075r1 Colin Lanzl –03-075r0a Colin Lanzl –03-088r3 Colin Lanzl –03-082r3 Bruce Kramer –03-127r0, r1a, r1a Colin Lanzl r2, Tim Wakley – SG Par Office Environment
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 4 Output Documents r2 Draft PAR r2 Draft 5 Criteria Response r0 Agenda and Meeting Report 03-13r0 Minutes for HTSG January 2003
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 5 For the WG Motion Move to conduct a WG Letter ballot to approve r2 (PAR) and r2 (5 Criteria) and WG Chair to pre-submit to the executive committee for the March 2003 SEC meeting by for the purpose of creation of the High Throughput Task Group. Move: Colin L. 2 nd Bruce K. (59-0-2)
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 6 March 2003 Objectives Help WG Resolve WG Letter ballot comments Work to create a new Task Group
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 7 HT-SG Welcome to High Throughput Study Group
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 8 Meeting Tone PLEASE Bring your Engineer Mentality and Technologist Attitude Please keep a Positive Attitude Please check your Ego and Politics at the door.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 9 Agenda Tuesday AM 1. 8:00 AM Meeting Call to Order 2. Review IEEE/802 & Policies and Rules 3. Approve/Modify Agenda 4. Administrative issues: –Matters arising out of minutes from last meeting: –Review Objectives 5. Discuss/Revise PAR and 5 Criteria –Presentations Colin L :00 AM Recess for the Day
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 10 Agenda for Tuesday and Thursday PM 7. 7 PM Reconvene : Discuss PAR and 5 Criteria 8. 9:30 Recess until Thursday Evening 9. 7 PM Thursday night Reconvene : Finalize PAR and 5 Criteria 10 8:45 PM Develop Plan for next meeting 11. 9:30 PM Adjourn
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 11 Agenda adoption Moved: To adopt agenda as proposed –Moved: Adrian –Second: Mickey –Vote:60-0-0
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide Review IEEE/802 & Policies and Rules Study Group: Everyone Votes. All 802 policies apply All policies apply Submissions must meet document format criteria. All Study Group voting requires 75% consensus.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 14 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 15 Admin Stuff Matters arising from the Nov minutes? Approve minutes from November 2002 –Moved: Bruce K. –2 nd: Colin L. –Vote:Unanimous
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 16 Target Schedule for a SG Sept – 5 Criteria and PAR startedSept – 5 Criteria and PAR started Nov 2002 – Progress on Draft PAR and CriteriaNov 2002 – Progress on Draft PAR and Criteria Jan 2003 – Finish Par and 5 Criteria Doc Mar Request for creation of Task Group to be sent to ExCom with 5 Criteria and PAR Mar 2003 – Task Group Creation and Technical Presentations.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 17 Objectives for Jan 2003 Complete the discussion on the PAR and 5 Criteria response Send PAR and 5 Criteria to WG for approval to send to SEC for approval and creation of the task group in march 2003.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 18 Current Scope To define standardized modifications to the MAC and PHY layers that achieve a minimum increase (xx) in throughput as measured at the MAC data SAP.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 19 Current Purpose To improve the wireless LAN user experience by providing significantly higher throughput for current applications and to enable new applications and market segments.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 20 For the WG Motion Move to conduct a WG Letter ballot to approve r2 (PAR) and r2 (5 Criteria) and WG Chair to pre-submit to the executive committee for the March 2003 SEC meeting by for the purpose of creation of the High Throughput Task Group. Move: Colin L.2 nd Bruce (59-0-2)
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 21 Back-up slides
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 22 Criteria The current rules have the following 5 Criteria listed. See
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide Five Criteria 1.Broad Market Potential 2.Compatibility 3.Distinct Identity 4.Technical Feasibility 5.Economic Feasibility 6.Interference Considerations (tentative)
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 24 Criteria 6.1. Broad Market Potential A standards project authorized by IEEE 802 shall have a broad market potential. Specifically, it shall have the potential for: a) Broad sets of applicability. b) Multiple vendors and numerous users. c) Balanced costs (LAN versus attached stations).
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 25 Criteria 6.2 Compatibility IEEE 802 defines a family of standards. All standards shall be in conformance with the IEEE Architecture, Management and Interworking documents as follows: 802. Overview and Architecture, 802.1D, 802.1Q and parts of 802.1f. If any variances in conformance emerge, they shall be thoroughly disclosed and reviewed with 802.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 26 Criteria 6.2 Compatibility (cont) Each standard in the IEEE 802 family of standards shall include a definition of managed objects which are compatible with systems management standards.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 27 Criteria 6.3 Distinct Identity Each IEEE 802 standard shall have a distinct identity. To achieve this, each authorized project shall be: a) Substantially different from other IEEE 802 standards. b) One unique solution per problem (not two solutions to a problem). c) Easy for the document reader to select the relevant specification.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 28 Criteria 6.4 Technical Feasibility For a project to be authorized, it shall be able to show its technical feasibility. At a minimum, the proposed project shall show: a) Demonstrated system feasibility. b) Proven technology, reasonable testing. c) Confidence in reliability.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 29 Criteria 6.5 Economic Feasibility For a project to be authorized, it shall be able to show economic feasibility (so far as can reasonably be estimated), for its intended applications. At a minimum, the proposed project shall show: a) Known cost factors, reliable data. b) Reasonable cost for performance. c) Consideration of installation costs.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 30 Scope from r0 To define standardized modifications to both the PHY and the MAC so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of much higher throughputs, with a target minimum throughput of 100Mbps, as measured at the MAC data SAP.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 31 Approved Scope (75-9-4) To define standardized modifications to both the PHY and the MAC so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of much higher throughputs, with a target minimum throughput of 100Mbps, as measured at the MAC data SAP.
doc.: IEEE /012r0 Submission January 2003 Jon Rosdahl, Micro LinearSlide 32 Excerpt from Operating Rules of IEEE Project 802 LMSC ….. “The letter ballot shall be conducted by electronic means. The response time shall be at least thirty days. However, for recirculation ballots, and for letter ballots not related to the submission of draft standards,the response time shall be at least fifteen days. …”