Outage Reporting Hierarchy Background Data Capture Structure Next Steps
Background Utilities now have IEEE Std on reliability measures calculations Utilities have differing ways of reporting the outage information used in the reliability measure calculation These differing ways change the values of the reliability measure indices and make benchmarking difficult at best Goal is to come up with an IEEE guide on the reporting of outage information Provide varying levels of reporting outage information – Changing to one standard way may be to expensive – Utilities could implement sooner than later – Easier change management
Data Capture Thoughts Computerize and capture the data as close to the initial information source as possible. Get people together face to face and agree. Store the data in a database that links to the connectivity model for enhanced analysis by protective device, circuit, etc. Collect the data centrally and check it for errors (high customer minutes, # customers affected, outage type, etc.). Data Scrubbing!! Capture only the data you intend to use for making business decisions Make sure that the data entry is required not optional Capture what device failed (ie - transformer) and the root cause of the outage (ie - squirrel, lightning, internal) Rain, wind and weather are not root causes but other related outage cause information If the cause of the outage is unknown, show it as unknown
Data Capture Thoughts Have the ability to analyze centrally with experts Data should be captured to evaluate the transmission, substation and distribution line performance The connectivity model backlog should not be more than a month The outage data backlog should be less than one week Continual communication that data integrity is critical The more you have the more others will want it Its not generally comparable between utilities due to differences in reporting characteristics No one utility captures the data the same Capture the base data and then do your performance indicator calculations
Structure Outage Database Failed Equipment Supplemental Cause Weather Outage Type ??? Step Restoration Continuity Model Date & Time
Structure Hierarchical Relational Simple (circuit breaker only) Complex (down to the meter) Step restoration (continuity model req’d) Ability to query at any level wanted (i.e. outage only beyond fuses, exclude major events, etc.)
Structure Outage Type Generation Transmission Substation Transmission Line Distribution Substation Distribution Line Distribution Transformer / Secondary / Service Meter Customer
Structure Equipment failed Transformer (substation, stepdown, ug, oh, etc.) Conductor (oh, ug) Recloser (oh, ug, pm) Fuse holder Insulator Circuit breaker (oil, vacuum, sf6) Pole (steel, wood) Splice (oh, ug) Capacitor (oh, pm) Etc.
Structure Supplemental Outage Cause Tree fell into line Tree limb fell into line Forest fire Car Pole Squirrel Etc. Weather Overcast Heavy Rain Snowing Heat wave Strong winds (60-80 mph) Etc. Voltage Level 21 kV Date and Time , 10:05 to 15:38
Next Step Work with other utilities / interested parties on coming up with a guide on outage reporting Divide the guide up into varying levels of outage reporting abilities Survey utilities on how they report outages and comments / thoughts Schedule –Survey –Draft guide –Final guide Help Needed