doc.: IEEE /0357r0 Submission March 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 1 ETSI TC ITS Liaison Report Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0357r0 SubmissionClint Chaplin, amsung ElectronicsSlide 2 Abstract Liaison report on ETSI TC ITS as presented to for the period January through March 2009
doc.: IEEE /0357r0 SubmissionR. Roy (Connexis)Slide 3 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG1 User and Application Requirements WG2 Architecture and Cross Layer WG3 Transport, Network & Web Services WG4 Media and Medium related WG5 Security and Lawful Intercept WG6 Management and Administration
doc.: IEEE /0357r0 SubmissionR. Roy (Connexis)Slide 4 ETSI TC ITS Workshop – February 2009 ETSI sponsored an ITS Workshop 4-6 February More than 120 delegates from all over the world participated Presentations were given by experts representing organizations such as ETSI, ERTICO, the European Commission (DG INFSO G4, ICT for transport) and various European Research projects including COMeSafety, CVIS, Safespot, Predrive C2X, as well as the private sector and universities.
doc.: IEEE /0357r0 SubmissionR. Roy (Connexis)Slide 5 ETSI TC ITS Workshop – February 2009 Conclusions The workshop concluded: –that increased standardisation and implementation activities are foreseen during 2009 and 2010 for TC ITS with focus on base standards and interoperability for cooperative systems as well as other ITS domains. –that international cooperation will be important in order to achieve interoperability. –ETSI could become the “home for these activities” For more details and to download presentations: 9_ITSWORKSHOP.aspx
doc.: IEEE /0357r0 SubmissionR. Roy (Connexis)Slide 6 ETSI TC ITS Future Meetings ETSI TC ITS Plenary meeting April BNetzA, Mainz, Germany ETSI TC ITS working group meetings 26 June – 3 July – Heidelberg, Germany (TENTATIVE)