Field and Research Projects of EWB-USA IEEE GOLD, October 18, 2008 Colleen O’Holleran M.A. in Sustainable Development, Candidate Chapter Relations Manager, EWB-USA
What We Do Partner with disadvantaged communities to improve quality of life Implement environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects Develop internationally responsible engineers and engineering students
Appropriate & Sustainable Technology It meets people’s needs It helps people earn a living It is affordable It paves the way for the future It uses local skills and materials It helps protect the environment
365 active field projects in 48 countries Projects are organized by volunteers: 290 university and professional chapters members (students, faculty, and professionals)
Join a chapter (via our website or the Boston Professionals booth at lunch). Become a professional mentor of a student chapter (design & implementation) Take on a research project (via our website) How to get involved: Travel is optional! We need team members for fund raising, design, website, etc.