doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 1 MMAC T71 Ad Hoc WG Liaison Report July 2003 Yasuhiko Inoue NTT
doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 2 MMAC Overview MMAC (Multimedia Mobile Access Communication Systems Promotion Council) –An organization in the ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses). –Activities: Investigation and study on system specifications Demonstrative experiment Information exchange and popularization activities, etc –Working Groups High Speed Wireless Access 5GHz Mobile Access (Wireless Access and Wireless LAN) Wireless Home-Link (Wireless 1394)
doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 3 T71 Ad hoc Working Group –Technical requirements and specifications for CSMA based WLAN systems in Japan which corresponds to a. –MPHPT allocated GHz and GHz for wireless access systems in September Technical Requirements: Radio Equipment Ordinance, Article –T71 Ad hoc WG has been created to revise the current ARIB STD-T71 to incorporate the technical requirements for 5GHz Band Wireless Access systems. Member companies: Atheros, Canon, Denso, Fujitsu, Hitach Cable, Intel, Japan Telecom, JRC, Mitsubishi, Murata, NEC, NTT, TOYOCOM, Panasonic, Samsung, SpeedNet, TDK, Toshiba, TTNet, etc
doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 4 Current Status T71 Ad hoc WG has finished its first activity –ARIB STD-T71 ver.2 is available now! –Harmonized standard with j draft D1.0 – –Both Japanese and English version Currently, the activities of T71 Ad hoc WG is suspended.
doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 5 Future Works Harmonization with j New frequency allocation for wireless access systems – GHz for wireless access systems – GHz for FWA services –Technical requirements have not specified yet. T71 Ad hoc WG will have new activities for standardization of the above systems.
doc.: IEEE /609r0 Submission July 2003 Y. Inoue, NTT Slide 6 Thank you very much!