R10 Student Activities Region 10 Meeting 3-4 March 2012 Kolkata, India Takao Onoye, Dr.Eng., Osaka University Regional Student Activities Coordinator Aby Kurian, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Regional Student Representative
The Whole Figure of R10 Student Activities R10 Student members Dec 2009 : 35,904 Jan 2012 : 43,264 R10 Student Branches Dec 2009: 672 Sep 2011: SB/SB Chapter/SB WIEAG petitions approved in 2011 “Non-Stop” Growth in R10 Student Activities 1. Student Paper Contest o UG 14, PG: 6 entries 2. R10 Exemplary Student Branch Award o 13 entries 3. Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award o 22 entries 4. Website Competition o 58 entries Region Level Competitions/Awards Global Competition/Awards 1. Student Enterprise Award o 2/4 funded projects are from R10 2. President Change the World Competition 2011 o IEEE Exceptional Student Humanitarian Prize won by R10 o Outstanding Student Humanitarian Prize won by R10 3. IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 5.0 o Maximum (923/1,512) participation from R10 o 50% of top 10 winners from R10
2012 R10 SAC Coordination Committee Members: o Takao Onoye (Regional Student Activities Coordinator) o Aby Kurian (Regional Student Representative) o Mini S. Thomas (Advisor - Past Student Activities Coordinator) o Om Perkash Batra (Mentor – Past Regional Student Representative) o Prasanna Venkatesan (R10 GINI coordinator) o Farish C.V. (R10 SAC Webmaster) o Hui Zhang (Student Representative, North-East of R10) o Aryo M.S. (Student Representative, South-East of R10) o Syeda Syannia Tanveer (Student Representative, West of R10)
Project 1 R10 GINI Global Integrated Network of IEEE students o Five Year initiative started in 2008 for integrating all the SBs in Region 10 R10 GINI Mentor Section Kerala Section R10 GINI Pilot Sections Australia & New Zealand, Delhi, Hydrabad, Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad), Madras, China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, … and more
Project 1 GINI o Project description: The last year of R10 GINI (Global Integrated Network of IEEE) five years initiative. (# StMs/GSM increased 1.7x) o How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: Bottom-up network construction fits student activities including better understanding of IEEE membership value as well as recruiting new members. o Budget breakdown: o Pilot sections $3,200 o Being activated sections$1,000 o GINI coordinators’ travel $1,000 o Project Milestones leading to completion: o Detailed plan in each sub-region (Mar) o Selection of new sections (Mar) o Events coordinated (Nov) o Wrap-up and survey (Dec)
“Haute Couture” Support by GINI GINI India term tries to create SIGs to support student members being classified based on several parameters: Yr of Study Department Area of Interest Graduation Year of StMs Different Construction of StMs (UG students): Young (1 st ~3 rd Yrs) students enrolled more in India 2013-Total% R10 Total % India % R10 Except India % China Council % Japan Council % Korea Council % Australia Council % NZ Council % Singapore % Hong Kong599761% Indonesia % Malaysia % Taiwan % Bangladesh % Thailand348938% Senior(4 th Yr) students: usually have solid motivation in their designated fields Freshman/Sophomore students: need to receive wide/general knowledge
Project 2 Section#SB~1010~3030~5050~100100~ Bangalore Bombay Delhi Gujarat Hyderabad Kerala Kharagpur Kolkata Madras Pune Utta Pradesh Sum SBs in India w/ # members Call for project proposals to raise student retention rate. SB allotment: 50$(~50StM/GSMs) 100$(50~StM/GSMs) SB rebate: 2$/member Select three excellent proposals from Large and Middle size SBs. Plans will be shared and executing among SBs. Large Size SB(100~) Middle Size SB(30~100) 1 st 250USD 2 nd 150USD 3 rd 100USD Total: 1,000USD “Stay as members” Project Plan Competition
Project 3 o Project description: Regular award/competition activities and new collaborative ventures with GOLD/EAB o How does this project help you meet your committee’s objectives?: Keep attracting attentions of student members as well as encouraging inputs to MGA level awards/competitions. o Budget breakdown o Website competition& Exemplary SB$1,300 o Outstanding branch counselor award$ 300 o Operational expenses & web-domain$ 400 o GOLD/EAB collaborative ventures$ 800 o RSAC/RSR travel to MGA-SAC mtg$5,000 o Project Milestones leading to completion: o Competition due dates (Mar) o Detailed collaborative ventures planning (Mar) o OBC due date (Sept) o New project execution (Nov) o Wrap-up (Dec)
Other Activities Online Support of SB Officers/Counselors Volunteer Training/Development Webcasts are to be coordinated quarterly by o Hang-Bong Kang (R10 MDC) o Takao Onoye (R10 SAC) o Aby Kurian (R10 SR) o Darrel Chong (MGA SAC Chair) o Om Perkash (MGA SAC-GOLD Rep) o S. Gopakumar (Kerala Section Volunteer) o …. Branch Operation Branch Counselor’s Role New Member Enrollment etc…
THANK YOU! For more information: IEEE R10 SAC Page IEEE Student Resources Region10 Facebook Page