IEEE f Active RFID System Sponsor Ballot Ballot Resolution Committee Teleconference Meeting Minutes October 25, 2011 Mike McInnis Chair IEEE f
TG4f 2nd Sponsor Ballot (10 day) recirculation tally results Ballot Open Date: 14-Oct-2011 Ballot Close Date: 24-Oct-2011 Type: Revision Draft #: 7 Ballots Received: 5 Vote Changes: 3 Comments: 1 Must Be Satisfied Comments: 1 RESPONSE RATE This ballot has met the 75% returned ballot requirement. 138 eligible people in this ballot group. 118 affirmative votes 0 negative votes with comments 0 negative votes without comments 9 abstention votes: (Conflict of Interest: 1, Lack of expertise: 1, Lack of time: 5, Other: 2) 127 votes received = 92% returned 7% abstention APPROVAL RATE The 75% affirmation requirement is being met. 118 affirmative votes 0 negative votes with comments 118 votes = 100% affirmative
TG4f Sponsor Ballot BRC Telecon Agenda Agenda Items: 1)Resolve one TG4f Recirculation #2 SB technical comment. 1)The comment is Editorial from Michelle Turner with the IEEE-SA staff. Action Items: Request a vote on the following motions; Motion: To approve document f-TG4f-SB-2 nd -Recirc-Comment-Resolution-on-d7P f-Draft- Standard as the comment resolution for this Sponsor Ballot Recirculation, attached to this . Moved: Harrington, Seconded: McInnis Yes-7, No-0, Abstain-0 Motion is approved by unanimous vote. Motion to the WG and EC: f requests unconditional approval from the WG and the EC to submit the D7P f-Draft-Standard document to RevCom. Moved: Harrington, Seconded: McInnis Yes-7,No-,0, Abstain-0 Motion is approved by unanimous vote. WG Vote: Moved: McInnis, Seconded: Harrington Yes-,No-,Abstain EC Vote: Moved: Heile, Seconded: Yes-,No-,Abstain Recorded Vote: Tim Harrington – Yes Andy Ward - Yes Dalibor Pokrajac – Yes Adrian Jennings - Yes Billy Verso – Yes Mike McInnis - Yes Michael McLaughlin - Yes Recorded Vote: Tim Harrington – Yes Andy Ward - Yes Dalibor Pokrajac – Yes Adrian Jennings - Yes Billy Verso – Yes Mike McInnis - Yes Michael McLaughlin - Yes
TG4f Sponsor Ballot BRC Telecon Schedule Next plenary meeting session - November 7-10, 2011 in Atlanta, GA 12 days between Tue. Oct 25 (today) and Mon. Nov. 7 (start of Atlanta 802 Interim meeting). Following this October 25 th teleconference: Cancelled 1)If required, release d07 document for TG4f SB BRC vote and comment. 2)Goal of uploading the d07 document into the IEEE-SA SB site ASAP. Target document release dates: 3 rd recirc target date Thursday Oct 27 th. Next scheduled SB BRC Telecon : Cancelled Wednesday Oct. 26, 2011 at 8am PST. (previously announced via )