REO Professional Marketing Solutions This is a sample power point presentation to your prospects after you have established them as a warm lead. Try to separate yourself as much as possible from the services other REO agents are providing.
Our Mission Provide a full service solution to improve your REO inventory turn rate and in turn your profitability
Marketing Plan / Website 1. State of art website for capturing leads for people who are interested in REO properties. Our website generates an average of 5 leads per day or approximately 150 leads per month. These leads are made up of two types of people, 1. Investors looking to purchase REO properties to rent or rehab. 2. Home buyers who are looking for a primary residence. The current percentage has been running approximately 60% investors and 40% primary residence buyers.
Marketing Plan / Website Posting your property listings. We have the capability of posting listings to the website so that when a potential customer visits they will see your listings as featured properties. We can also do virtual tours on the larger properties as needed.
Marketing Plan Broker Price Opinions / CMA. Full analysis of the property and price recommendations based on factual market data for accurate on target pricing # for 24 hour information access and caller id capture. Yard sign with brochure box. Color brochure with property specific highlights.
Marketing Plan (Cont) Direct mail campaign. Just listed postcards mailed to 300 surrounding homes. 24 hour website outlining all property specific activity. Showing and feedback reports. Marketing activity reports.
Marketing Plan (Cont) 30 day market review with updated market comparables and pricing recommendation if needed. Staging of properties can be done where appropriate.
Additional Benefits Commission rate. We offer a 1% commission reduction on properties that we double side, that is properties where we bring the buyer and do not have to pay a co-broker commission. RE/MAX is the largest real estate network in the world. No one sells more real estate. This also offers additional networking benefits.
Additional Benefits (Cont) We have three licensed agents on our full time staff which includes a full time buyers agent We have a full service contractor team to perform trash outs, lock changes, repairs, etc.
Us vs. other agents / brokers Us Them Website to capture customers Yes No Website to list REO inventory Yes No number with property info Yes ? 24 hour website with updated property information including showing feedback Yes No Virtual tours Yes ? Staging of properties when appropriate Yes ? Direct mail marketing Yes ? Print media Yes ? Commission reduction on double side transactions Yes No Professional Skip Tracer on Staff Yes No
Professional Services Occupancy Verification Full Time Staff Full Time Buyers Representative Cash for Keys Site Inspections Winterizing / Board Ups BPOs Trash Outs Lawn Care and Snow Removal Digital Pictures Fast Response Restoration Bids Monthly Status Reports Conversion of Utilities Maintenance during redemption period
Summary We offer a comprehensive solution with unique marketing options that reduce marketing time and go above and beyond other agents/brokers We will improve your inventory turns and consequently your profitability
Current Client List XYZ Bank ABC Bank ABC REO Management Clear Capital I Mortgage Services E Mortgage Logic U.S. Real Estate Services
Bios Jon Smith - Licensed Realtor Education: M.B.A. Venture Management. Graduate Realtor Institute GRI XYZ top 10% agent Jennifer Weelin – Licensed Broker B.A. in Marketing Licensed Real Estate Broker since 1982 Karen Schmloke – Marketing Coordinator and Licensed Realtor Education: A.A. in Business Administration Property management since 2002 Background in Finance and Customer Service