doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4c Closing Report for LA 2009 Date Submitted: January 2009 Source: Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Contact: Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Voice: , Re: Closing Report for January 2009 Sessions Abstract:Closing Report for the TG4c Sessions in Los Angeles, USA. Purpose:To draft an amendment to use sub 1 GHz Chinese band(s) for IEEE Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 2 TG4c Amendment Amendment to IEEE to include a sub-GHz PHY appropriate for use in China.
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 3 Meeting Objectives Review Mtg. Objectives & Agenda/Approval of Agenda Approve Dallas Mtg. Minutes Review Sponsor Ballot Recirc. #2 Statistics Discuss Preparation for RevCom
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 4 Meeting Achievements Reviewed and Approved LA Agenda –See doc. # c Approved Dallas Mtg. Minutes –See doc. # c Reviewed Sponsor Ballot Recirc. #2 Results Sponsor Ballot Recirc. #2 closed at 11:59 PM on Mon. Nov. 24 –94 Total Voters in the Pool –77 Affirm Votes –4 Abstain Votes –0 Negative Votes –100% affirmation
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 5 Meeting Achievements LA Mtg. Minutes Posted –See doc. # c Reviewed RevCom Submission Process Motion: “Task group tg4c recommends that the Working Group proceed with submitting P c-D06_Draft_Amendment and accompanying documentation to RevCom.” Passed unanimously: 5/0/0 Y/N/A
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 6 Future Plans Submit D6 and Supporting Documentation to RevCom
doc.: c TG4c January 2009 Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor Slide 7 Acknowledgements Kuor-Hsin Chang for Serving as Vice-Chair and Secretary. Jay Bain and Kuor-Hsin Chang for serving as co-editors. Liang Li for his role as Liaison to Chinese WPAN Standards body. Phil Beecher for serving as interim Secretary. TG4c & WG for contributions during the process. Spons. Ballot Pool & Ballot Res. Comm. for their efforts.