Representative User Israel Israeli 25 years old, University Student. Busy most of the week, spending his time on studying in Tel-Hay College up north. Comes home once in two weeks to meet all his childhood friends which are students and soldiers. When they meet they love going to drink. Money is a critical resource for Israel, as like all of his friends he doesnt have any serious income during his college years.
Representative Situation Israel would like to have the option to coordinate a meeting with a group of people, he would like to have the option to choose the place of the meeting, to monitor all the participants and to be notified for every change in the details or important change in the location of the meeting participants.
Story Israel is creating an event in a pick up mode and adds all the friend he would like to pick up. His friends get the invitation, accept it and all of them start monitoring each other movements. When Israel is coming close to Benis house, Beni gets an automatic notification that he should go out to the street as Israel will be there in X mins.
Story, 2nd part Israel is creating an event in a pick up mode and adds all the friend he would like to pick up. His friends get the invitation, accept it and all of them start monitoring each other movements. When Israel is coming close to Benis house, Beni gets an automatic notification that he should go out to the street as Israel will be there in X mins.