Use of Celebrities in Advertising Uri Weinstok Weinstok Abogados Costa Rica
Right to Use Ones Personal Image
Basic principle A persons image cant be used without consent Main exception: Police, scientific or academic purposes; facts occurred in public, uses based on public interest. All exceptions must be interpreted restrictively. Exception DOES NOT apply to commercial use.
"With Ryanair, all my family can come to the wedding."
Even though it is a widely accepted principle, there are some sides to it. Regulations and case law in Latin America is not abundant, but still some basic principles can be identified.
Very personal right (Personalísimo) Enjoyed by everyone Outside commerce (cant be transferred) Do not expire Enjoy benefit of the doubt Consent is always revocable (provided that damages are paid)
Person must be recognizable If the person is not identifiable, he/she cant complain against unauthorized use Ones personal image is not affected
Librería Internacional
Limits to given consent An authorization for certain uses does not necessarily imply other uses. –Different media (press vs. Internet) –Later uses –Team sponsorships vs. Image of players
Paulo Wanchope v. Taca
Cristal 2004
Advertising must be truthful… …But sometimes telling the truth is not enough…
Franklin Chang – TLC
Use of the Image of the Deceased
Dr. Martens Footwear OK in the UK Got in trouble when published in a US based website Agency was fired over ad
Being a very personal right, it would normally end upon death BUT: –Image of the deceased must be used with respect –In some countries (in LA), Copyright laws give some rights to the descendants for a limited time (even when someones portrait is not a creation of his intellect) –This is one of the issues where Laws in different places vary significantly
Namesakes & Look-alikes A violation can occur even when a persons portrait is not used
Oscar Arias and CAFTA
Relation with Copyrights Rights over a picture vs. Image rights Rights over fictional characters
Virgin Mobile – 2007
Grosby Shoes
Trademarks & Image Rights
Sometimes a persons image gives distinctive character to a product and becomes a trademark. In these cases, the scope of protection is wider
Frank Perdue
Other Relevant Issues with Use of Celebrities
Scandals Use of competing products Change of circumstances (retirement, injury, etc.) Bad press
No matter what Laws apply Ensure rights in writing. Do not rely on presumed verbal consent. Contracts may solve most issues described. If it works somewhere, it will not necessarily work everywhere.
THANK YOU! Uri Weinstok Weinstok Abogados Costa Rica