doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio Specification Date Submitted: 14 July, 2010 Source: Cristina Seibert 1, Steve Jillings 2, Jeritt Kent 3 Company: SilverSpring Networks 1, Semtech 2, Analog Devices 3 Address [] Re: [] Abstract:[Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio Specification] Purpose:[Technical proposal. Presented to the g SUN Task Group for consideration] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 2 Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio and Modulation Specifications
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 3 Comments Resolved This document proposes resolutions for the following comments: Radio Specification –#1308, #1311, #1321, #1322, #1324, #1325, #1369 –#1310 Modulation –#1315, #1316, #1318, #1319 This document acknowledges: –Document # –The work of Hartman Van Wyk et al to resolve comments #1328, #1329, #1330, #1331, #1332, #1333
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 4 General Radio Specifications This document proposes the addition of the following paragraph after sections 6.12a.4: It is the responsibility of the implementer to verify and ensure that the device is in compliance with all regulatory requirements in the geographic region where the device is deployed or sold. Conformance with this standard does not guarantee compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements which may apply.
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 5 Background Table 75e of the draft standard currently defines the MR-FSK radio specification in terms of a single generic list that takes no account of the different bit rates or regulatory requirements:
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 6 Table 75 Parameters Modulation Index Range / Tolerance –Reference is made to the following documents for informative purposes: d (6.6b.2.3 GFSK modulation): –The deviation shall be between 70% and 130% of the nominal deviation. For the sequence 0101, the deviation shall be between 70% and 110% of the nominal deviation. For the sequence , the deviation shall be between 80% and 130% of the nominal deviation. Section 1 referencing / Bluetooth of Document # –Recommend that Mod index tolerance be defined as: –Tolerance = ±(20*h +10) %
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 7 Table 75 Parameters System Time Stability –The parameter “system time stability” is not a PHY only function and shouldn't be part of the PHY standard. –Remove from radio specification –Approved in Beijing
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 8 Table 75 Parameters Channel Switch Time –Channel switch time is a transmitter parameter and is defined as the time taken for a transmitter on channel A to exit that channel and the time to enter channel B and be ready to transmit on that channel, both of which are co-resident in a single band defined in Table 1 of the 4g draft TX Amplifier Rise / Fall Time –TX amplifier rise (and fall time) is included in both channel switching time and aTurnaroundTime. –Recommend to remove TX amplifier rise / fall time from the parameter table
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 9 Table 75 Parameters Sensitivity –Sensitivity, S, of the mandatory PHY data rate is normalized by the following equation, which applies to binary modulation: –Where S 0 = -90 dBm R 0 = 50 kb/s R = bit rate in kb/s
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 10 Table 75 Parameters Adjacent / Alternate Channel Rejection –Both a definition of test methodology and values are to be addressed during modulation topic discussions (ref: # ) Symbol Rate Tolerance –Opinion was canvassed from authors of comments relating to symbol rate tolerance and mandatory Bit Rate –Will be addressed by presentation by Hartman Van Wyk et al(?) to resolve #1328, #1329, #1330, #1331, #1332, #1333
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 11 Recommendations Delete Table 75e Insert the following sections into the general radio specification after 6.12a.4 Modulation Index Range shall < ±(20*h +10) % Frequency Stability / Tolerance < ±20 ppm Channel Switch Time which is defined as the time taken for a transmitter on channel A to exit that channel and enter channel B, and to be ready to transmit on that channel, both of which are co- resident in a single band defined in Table 1 of the 4g draft shall not exceed 500 s
doc.: IEEE g Proposed Resolution for Band Specific MR-FSK Radio-Specification July 2010 Seibert (SSN), Jillings (Semtech), Kent (Analog Devices) Slide 12 Recommendations MR-FSK Receiver Sensitivity, S, for binary modulation is defined as: –W here S 0 = -90 dBm R 0 = 50 kb/s R = bit rate in kb/s Remove TX Amplifier Rise / Fall Time parameter