UFBA UWITS Finance and Business Solutions We are dedicated to meet the complex needs of your enterprises by providing agile, global-class enterprise solutions aligned to your IT needs and business goals Developed at Unique Way IT Solutions LLC www.uwits.com
www.uwits.com General Ledger Account Receivable HR and Payroll NFBA GL AR AP PC IM SO PO EL FA HR HR and Payroll Account Payable Fixed Assets Petty Cash Ledger Employee Ledger Inventory Management Purchase Order Sales Order Integrates internal and external management information across an entire organization, through various modules like General Ledger, Inventory, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Order Entry, Job Costing, Manufacturing, Fixed Assets etc. Its purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders www.uwits.com
Salient features User Friendliness _Supports keyboard for all functionalities _Minimum User input _Default Values (to reduce entry time) _Easy codes and Abbreviations for quick Results Allocation of functionality _within the modules functions can be allocated to user separately Reports _all reports are detail as well as in summary format _Reports can be printed or converted to many supported formats Controlled Functionality _Based on the functionality Editing/Deleting/changing is restricted at user level avoid redundant data Multiuser _Secure transaction environment. _Instantly shared documents www.uwits.com
System Architecture GL AP AR PC IM SO PO EL FA HR www.uwits.com Presentation Layer .NET Win forms Multiuser Application Business Layer GL AP AR PC IM SO PO EL FA HR Database Layer www.uwits.com
System Data Flow www.uwits.com
Modules at a glance www.uwits.com Finance Financial accounting Receivable and creditor accounting Payment Transaction Cost accounting Investment Accruing Purchasing Material Requirement Budget Monitoring Supplier enquires Purchase Order Outsourcing Modules at a glance Sales Order Entry Product Configuration Invoicing Returns Sales Commissions Inventory Multiple Warehouses Movement & Transactions Quality Control Cost Calculation Inventory Control Procurement Human Resource Payroll Employee Management Time & Activities Training www.uwits.com
Sales Module Salient Features Maintains history of customer enquiries with complete details Bulk posting of document for faster processing Sales module is a comprehensive module which records each and every action of the sales representative for affecting a sale. Functionality Sales Pro Forma Schedule Remove Sales Order-Item Status Stock Transfer Sales Budget Invoice/GR Posting Goods Return Instant Invoice Sales Order Edit List Of Sales Invoice Entry Maintenance Reports Sales Order Report Stock Checklist SO-IPO Schedule Report Various Sales Reports www.uwits.com
Purchase Module Salient Features Supports Local and International purchase, multi currency, automatic rate conversion _Purchase using vendor's item number and unit of measure _Multiple vendors and sizes per item, compare costs, set preference _Multiple receipts allowed per purchase order _Multi currency and multi-warehouse _Purchase Order Status Report, Purchase Order Detail and much more... The Quantity Available Report facilitates scheduling of shipments, purchasing and manufacturing by showing current inventory levels, sales orders, purchase orders and manufacturing orders. www.uwits.com
Purchase Module Functionality Purchase Return International Purchase Order International Receiving Order LPO SRV SRV Posting SRV Edit List SRV Printing Stock Issue Maintenance Stock Issue/Adj Edit List Stock Issue/Adj Posting Stock Categories Stock Adjustment Reports Pending IPO Reports IR Reports Brand & Supplier wise Supplier & Brand wise Stock Status Report Stock Movements Report Report For Various Purchase www.uwits.com
inventory Module Salient Features tracks inventory stock levels and costing. Multi-warehouse and multi-currency No monthly closing of the inventory software required Weighted average cost or standard cost On-line drill-down from inventory totals to source document Inventory Value Report, Perpetual Inventory Report and much more.. Inventory is received via receipts and depleted via sales and manufacturing usage Functionality Stock Issue Maintenance Stock Card Price List Product's List Item Receiving Entry Item Delivering Entry Item File Reports Stock Status Report Stock Movements Report www.uwits.com
Features Finance Module No monthly closing of the general ledger required Automatic reversing journal entries Optional subaccounts for branch, division, product group, etc. On-line drill-down to source document Complete year-end processing User-defined Financial Statements, Trial Balance, General Ledger Report and more. Data is keyed directly to the general ledger via Journal Vouchers to record • initial entry of general ledger opening balances • bank charges and interest • depreciation • corrections and adjustments to previous general ledger transactions • purchase of foreign currency • foreign currency AP, AR, and bank balances conversion to domestic currency www.uwits.com
Finance Module Functionality Reports Trial Balance P & L And Balance Sheet Ledger Reports Accounts Payable A/P STATMENT Payable Reports Printing Remittance Advice A/P Ledger Report Accounts Receivable Receivable Reports Printing A/R Statement Of Account A/R Ledger Report General Ledger Chart Of Account's Maintenance Natural Accounts Maintenance Payment Voucher Receipt Voucher Journal Voucher Debit Note Entry Credit Note Entry Edit List Of Documents Petty Cash Maintenance Petty Cash Expense Categories G/L Category Document Posting Bank Advice Applied Documents Details G/L Transaction List Bank Deposit Cheques Clear Cash Matching Bank Reconciliation employee Ledger Standard Entry Petty Cash Ledger Budget Entry www.uwits.com
Human Resource Module What is special about it www.uwits.com Key Feature HR Administration Leave Management Payroll Management Financial Interface Timesheet Calculation Attendance Management Recruitment Process Company Transfers Mass Mobilization Training Performance Management Employee Relations Reporting Document Management Company Policy Employee Self Service Approval Workflow What is special about it A comprehensive, flexible and localized Human Resource and Payroll Software Solution which was developed in the Middle East and tailored specifically for GCC conditions and requirements. Underpinning the Gulf HR/Payroll Solution is a commitment to client training and support with the options of customization and technical back-up being readily available. A user-friendly and is easy to navigate. It’s specifically designed to eliminate tedious and time consuming admin and clerical work which is common to many HR and Payroll departments. It connects managers, administrators and employees across the company, facilitating record-keeping and enhancing communication electronically. The net result – the streamlining and automation of business processes which lead to a paperless Human Resources and Payroll business environment. www.uwits.com
Human Resource Module Functionality Employee Master File Employee Master Print Dependent Master Supporting Files Salary Change Employee Salary Details Print Document Handling Master File Print Employee Ledger Leave Entry Maintenance Rejoining Entry Overtime Entry Maintenance Timesheet Entry Holiday Updating Reports Document Expiry Report Indemnity Payable Report Leave Payable Report Provision Reports Gross Earning Report Payroll Summary Report Pay mode Report Trip Allowance Report Ledger Reports Deduction Report Salary History Leave History Passage History Resignation / Termination Pay Register Pay Register Edit Holding Salary Pay Slip Printing Cash Denomination List Bank Transfer Payroll Posting Leave Application Form Other Trip Allowance Encashment (Leave / Ticket) www.uwits.com
Our Commitment The services that are available We offer a complete program of professional services, training and support . We help you get up and running and ensures that you get continuous value from your investment. The services that are available Installation and Implementation services: Installation and configuration of Software as per your business requirements. Data migration Services: Import data from old versions or from other applications. Having data on legacy systems is no more a reason to worry! Further our team will help you export data from our products to other business solutions easily and effectively. Data synchronization set-up and support: We help in setting up synchronization of data between various offices across geographical locations to your head office. www.uwits.com
Our Commitment Service Training Support We offer a complete program of professional services, training and support . We help you get up and running and ensures that you get continuous value from your investment. Service Training Support www.uwits.com
Service The services that are available Installation and Implementation services: Installation and configuration of Software as per your business requirements. Data migration Services: Import data from old versions or from other applications. Having data on legacy systems is no more a reason to worry! Further our team will help you export data from our products to other business solutions easily and effectively. Data synchronization set-up and support: We help in setting up synchronization of data between various offices across geographical locations to your head office. www.uwits.com
Training From onsite deployment to e-learning, our training programs help you develop expertise using the method that's best for your employees and your business.. On-site training Require your staff to be trained for efficient use of our products. We will be glad to discuss your requirements, customize a relevant training program and conduct this on-site! www.uwits.com
Support Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC): AMC provides you reliable, quick and guaranteed support. Onsite Support: We are supporting our clients by visiting them at their office locations. Annual Maintenance contract helps our customers to get a cost effective on-site support. Telephonic Support: Telephonic support is the most effective way of getting support immediately. Our support desk telephone is available weekdays from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Remote Support: We connect to any PC or server around the world within a few seconds by using various applications. We can remote control your PC with your authorization and help you to solve the issues within minute. Email Support: E-mail queries will be answered by our dedicated support desk within a working day. www.uwits.com
Unique Way IT Solutions LLC software consultancy & development With our product and service, we welcome you to become our valued client. www.uwits.com +971 4 336 6009 (Tel) +971 4 33 66002 (Fax) Info@uwits.com www.uwits.com