The Zone Interactive Internet Game Concepts. Game Concept 1 US Forces I – Setting: WW II Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) Europe Theater of Operations.


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Presentation transcript:

The Zone Interactive Internet Game Concepts

Game Concept 1 US Forces I – Setting: WW II Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) Europe Theater of Operations (ETO) – Character: American serviceman Four different characters – Objectives 3 PTO situations 3 ETO situations

US Forces I Specs Two game series Interactive gaming – High speed Web access required 2 to 12 players Platforms – PC/Mac

Game Concept 2 TopSecret – Setting: Present day – Characters: 7 different characters 4 standard characters: American agents 3 custom characters: American agent, rogue agent, and enemy agent – Objectives: 5 situations

TopSecret Specs Four game series Interactive gaming – High speed Web access required 2 to 12 players Platforms – PC/Mac

The Target Audience Teens and Adult International audience Web users