ECE 353 Introduction to Microprocessor Systems Week 1 Michael G. Morrow, P.E.
Topics Introduction Course Administration Microprocessor Systems Overview
Introduction Instructor Teaching Assistant Michael Morrow ( Office Hours (3537EH) also posted on web page Monday 8:30-9:30pm Tuesday 10:00am-11:00am , 1:00-2:00pm Wednesday 2:30pm-4:30pm Friday 8:00am-9:00am Other times by appointment / drop-in (look at web schedule for conflicts) Teaching Assistant Dan Seemuth Office Hours posted on web page Monday & Wednesday, 12:00-2:00pm, in 3650EH
Course Administration Course Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy Course Schedule Text / Class Notes / Web Page Discussion Section Homework Examinations and Grading (Q&A) Documentation Standards Reference Information
Course Boot-Up Tutorial Schedule Initial Student Survey Assignments Complete and turn in today. Assignments Complete Solomon-Felder Learning Styles Assessment (link on course web page) and turn in print-out of results on Friday. Log on to Learn@UW and complete first pre-quiz before Monday’s class. Homework #1 will be due Wednesday 9/17.
P Systems Overview
P Systems Overview *Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA projects 1 billion transistors produced per person by 2008.)
P Systems Overview Embedded Systems and Applications Terminology Embedded microprocessors account for about 94% of all microprocessor sales. Embedded microprocessors extend over a much larger performance range than PC’s. Terminology GP Systems vs. Embedded Systems What are the key design parameters?
P Systems Overview Basic microprocessor system structure Central processing unit (CPU) Memory Input/Output (I/O) System bus A microcontroller or SoC will include some or all components on the same chip as the CPU.
Why the ARM? Many possible devices to study (or use!)… Considerations Intel, Motorola, Microchip, Atmel, TI, Zilog, Philips, Rabbit, Siemens, Hitachi, AMD, etc. Considerations Installed base and software compatibility Development tool availability Complexity and architectural issues Computational capabilities Why not use the Pentium 4 instead?
1 Requirements Analysis System Design User needs 1 Requirements Analysis 2 Specification 3 System Architecture 4 HW Design 4 SW Design 5 HW Implementation 5 SW Implementation 6 HW Testing 6 SW Testing 7 System Integration 8 System Validation 9 O & M, Evolution
Microprocessor System Design Options Discrete microprocessor/microcontroller System-on-Chip (SoC) ASIC Programmable logic Soft cores Hard cores Specialized microprocessors Digital signal processors Network processors
Wrapping Up Homework #1 due Wednesday 9/17 Reading for Week 2 Cady Ch. 2-3 AARM Preface, Ch. 1 ARM7 Ch. 1 Sign up for the tutorial!
Simplified Pentium 4 Architecture
Tutorial Schedule Sign-up sheets will be posted outside 3537EH. TBAday, September ?, 2007 Keil uVision3 tutorial ?:00-?:30pm ????EH
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain Bloom classified educational objectives into 6 semi-dependent levels. This is not an absolute – it is just a well-reasoned approach with experimental data to support it. There are many who take exception to this as a description of how people learn and what they learn, but nonetheless it is a very useful model for what we are trying to do (write instructional objectives!) The lowest level, knowledge, is the ability to recognize or recall information. This also could be thought of as acquiring the necessary vocabulary to engage in a discussion on a subject. 1. Knowledge Knowledge – the ability to recognize or recall information
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain 2. Comprehension This goes beyond simply knowing a list of terms, but understanding their meaning. Learning at this level would give the student the ability to explain or paraphrase the information. 1. Knowledge Comprehension – understand the meaning of information
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain 3. Application 2. Comprehension At this level, the student is able to apply the information to a given situation; typically this would be evidenced by the ability to solve a problem. 1. Knowledge Application – use the information appropriately
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension A student at this level of learning is able to use the information to analyze a situation and understand the relationships involved. This would give them the ability to compare or classify a different circumstance in terms of what they know. 1. Knowledge Analysis – break the information into component parts and see relationships
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension Taking what they know to create something new. Students at this stage are doing design. 1. Knowledge Synthesis – put the components together in a different way to form new products or ideas
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain 6. Evaluation 5. Synthesis 4. Analysis 3. Application 2. Comprehension Students at this stage can use their knowledge to evaluate a circumstance, select from among alternatives, and justify their choice. This is also often seen as the ability to optimize a given process/situation. The last three levels of learning are typically considered higher-level thinking skills – although we often concentrate much more heavily on the first three in undergraduate education. 1. Knowledge Evaluation – judge the worth of an idea, theory, or opinion based on criteria Return
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