Bradford Street Playground Walking School Bus at Coolbinia Primary commenced in October 2010
Departing Bradford Street Playground
Promoting Throughout the School
Other Promotion School Newsletter Posters Sign Up Sheets Direct Approach to Parents (best results!) To the students at assembly Bright Yellow Vests
Responsibilities of Parents Wear bright vests when rostered. In the afternoon if you find you have forgotten your vest, borrow the spare one from the school office. Please return the vest to the office the following day. Carry a mobile phone if on roster or the emergency relief. In the mornings, direct students to classrooms. Gather students in the afternoon at the main meeting point – under the flag pole. Volunteer 1 is responsible for the drop off and pick up of Pre Primary students. Afternoon pick up starts at PP2 at 2:50pm. Volunteer 2 is to complete the attendance register and is the contact person to call or text regarding absent students. Ask children to put hats on for the walk. Volunteers are also asked to role model hats on by wearing a hat themselves. Students are to be reminded that if they need to go to the toilet after school, they should go before gathering at the bus stop. It is a good idea for Pre Primary students to use the toilets at their classroom to hopefully save on time. Volunteers are asked to avoid offering the students food. Volunteers should be confident to control the group. Ensure children follow the rules of the Walking School Bus. Maintain control of the behaviour of the students. If a child is behaving inappropriately they may be required to walk directly next to one of the volunteers. If you are unable to attend a roster, organise a swap. If not, contact the relief person for your shift. You may choose to offer to cover their shift another time (if you have flexibility in your week). If stuck, call your coordinator. In the situation of extreme weather, ie: severe rain or severe heat (light rain is okay to walk in) the volunteers on roster are to make a decision together as to what they choose to do. If the morning bus is cancelled, this message needs to be passed onto the other families. If the afternoon bus is cancelled, the rostered volunteers are asked to gather the children at school and wait with the students and offer a Kiss n Ride service at 3:10pm. (To be the new Kindy car park after construction has finished). The rostered parents are asked to communicate this change to the other families asap. If contact has not been made with a parent and a child is not collected by 3:15pm, one of the volunteers is asked to take this student to the school office to see if the school can assist with making contact.