How to Identify a Bird Environmental Explorations 2012
Identification Size of bird Field marks Behavior Song Habitat Range
Size 3 common standards – Sparrow, 5-6 inches long – Robin, 9-11 inches long – Crow, inches long Birds are classified as larger than or smaller than For example a hummingbird would be classified smaller than a sparrow
Field Marks Distinctive features used to identify a bird Includes features such as – Color – Bill (beak) size and shape – Tail size and shape – Markings such as wings stripes, patches or color
Robin For example a robin has gray head wings and tail and an orange breast. These are all field marks.
Northern Flicker White patch on tail, can you see any other field marks
Eastern Meadowlark Has a black V on its yellow breast, do you see any other field marks?
Behavior Feeding – Woodpeckers cling to trunks of trees as they drill inside the wood to find insects – Nuthatches walk head first down a tree trunk
Behavior continued Turkey vultures soar with wing tips up Raptors (eagles and hawks) fly with wing tips straight or slightly down tilted
Song In many birds, song is special activity of males during breeding season – Used as defense of territory – Attract females by repertoire – Bird song can be used to identify as well as count numbers of birds
Habitat Feeding and nesting sites are very specific by species Types of habitats include marsh, meadow, woodland, seashore, lakeshore, backyard, city Storms may blow birds off course during migration and they end up in strange habitats
Confused Herring Gull Often show up inland during a storm, blown west by wind
Geographic Range This is where a bird can be found We have northern species and southern species We have eastern and western species We have wide range species and narrow range species Some bird species occur worldwide and others are specific to very small areas such as a valley
Range maps All bird guide books have a section of range maps
Another Range Map
And Another
Other Bird Behaviors Imprinting: the first thing, living or nonliving a baby birds sees as it hatches is recognized forever as its mother Philopatry: wherever a bird is born it comes back to that same spot to breed and raise its young, important to migration, also explains why bird populations sometimes increase dramatically, example ducks at BRHS