Make 2 columns and label one HEARING and the other DEAF. DEAF In this culture…… HEARING In this culture…
“See What I Mean” preview questions How far/close do people stand apart while having a conversation? Is their eye gaze continuous or broken up? How much physical contact is there? When do people hug? How do people get the attention of others? How much gesture and facial expression do people incorporate into their conversations? What about the respect factor? What is the difference btwn hearing respect and Deaf respect?
Preview cont…. #2: Make a list of behaviors that would be considered general Deaf culture. #3. Make a list of behaviors that would be considered general in Hearing culture. #4: Suppose you went to another country, what elements of culture would you observe first? – What would be the most obvious difference for you?
cont…. The differences of communication of hearing cultures and deaf cultures are to be respected which will help in social interactions to avoid negative assertions; such as biased opinions, criticisms, and judgments. In hearing and speaking cultures nonverbal communication such as body movement and facial expressions are subconscious.
cont…. In deaf cultures their communication skills depends greatly on moving their bodies, hands, arms, heads, and outwardly show expressions on their faces which are both conscious decisions and efforts in order to communicate. In hearing cultures one of the basic principles of communication is to avoid degrading, negative, hurtful, and disrespectful comments to others
Different Things in Deaf Culture Deaf humor Since much of hearing humor is based on word play, the Deaf do not “get it” most of the time. Many times Deaf humor is just as “interesting” to our hearing minds. So as to not feel out of place, many deaf people will laugh when the see everyone else laughing, but in reality, they did not get the joke. Deaf humor Since much of hearing humor is based on word play, the Deaf do not “get it” most of the time. Many times Deaf humor is just as “interesting” to our hearing minds. So as to not feel out of place, many deaf people will laugh when the see everyone else laughing, but in reality, they did not get the joke.
Different Things in Deaf Culture Deaf language The language of the Deaf is a visual/gesture based language. Deaf have their own idiomatic expressions. American Sign Language is a recognized foreign language in many states and schools. It is based on hand shapes, movements, sign placement and location, facial expressions. Deaf language The language of the Deaf is a visual/gesture based language. Deaf have their own idiomatic expressions. American Sign Language is a recognized foreign language in many states and schools. It is based on hand shapes, movements, sign placement and location, facial expressions.
Different Things in Deaf Culture Deaf are naturally frank and undiplomatic – They tell you what they think. Deaf people are notoriously straightforward in their conversations and expressions. If you ask their opinion (and even if you don’t), be prepared to get it! Understand, they DO NOT mean to intentionally hurt or harm with their words. They just lack the cultural and social graces that we hearing people enjoy and expect because of our language and culture.
Different Things in Deaf Culture Deaf tend to have difficultly with forgetting wrongs or offenses even after forgiveness – This is a strong difficulty to overcome. Confidence is easy to gain, but once lost, it is very difficult to regain. Deaf think differently – The average deaf person generally does not think in words or sentences but in visual concepts. Highly educated Deaf however, can and do think much like hearing people Deaf tend to have difficultly with forgetting wrongs or offenses even after forgiveness – This is a strong difficulty to overcome. Confidence is easy to gain, but once lost, it is very difficult to regain. Deaf think differently – The average deaf person generally does not think in words or sentences but in visual concepts. Highly educated Deaf however, can and do think much like hearing people
Different Things in Deaf Culture Deaf are visually stimulated This is for obvious reasons. Hearing folks are visually AND aurally stimulated. Deaf music is rhythm or beat-based Deaf music has three elements – timing, flow and coordination. Hearing music has three elements as well – melody, harmony and rhythm. Deaf are visually stimulated This is for obvious reasons. Hearing folks are visually AND aurally stimulated. Deaf music is rhythm or beat-based Deaf music has three elements – timing, flow and coordination. Hearing music has three elements as well – melody, harmony and rhythm.
Now you are to watch several examples…. Preview One Preview Two u u Preview Three Preview Four – A Sign Of Respect relmfu relmfu Preview One Preview Two u u Preview Three Preview Four – A Sign Of Respect relmfu relmfu
ITS YOUR TURN Now you create a consequence as you saw in the video btwn the cultures. After watching the “See What I Mean” hearing vs. Deaf culture video, you will create a conversation based on was mentioned in the videos. You may choose from one of the following topics: Deaf vs. hearing classrooms Privacy of information sharing Plane Ticket Apply for a job Drive Threw Window Buying a House Ordering Food Applying for College Ordering Pizza Now you create a consequence as you saw in the video btwn the cultures. After watching the “See What I Mean” hearing vs. Deaf culture video, you will create a conversation based on was mentioned in the videos. You may choose from one of the following topics: Deaf vs. hearing classrooms Privacy of information sharing Plane Ticket Apply for a job Drive Threw Window Buying a House Ordering Food Applying for College Ordering Pizza
ITS YOUR TURN Once you and your partner have chosen your topic, you will create a conversation that shows an example of that topic. Requirements: -Equal signing time -Appropriate situations -Specific examples -6 lines each (memorized) -Variety in vocabulary choice Once you and your partner have chosen your topic, you will create a conversation that shows an example of that topic. Requirements: -Equal signing time -Appropriate situations -Specific examples -6 lines each (memorized) -Variety in vocabulary choice