School or Part-time Work Why Not Both? School or Part-time Work Why Not Both? Jesse Wallace
Dr. Phil McKenzie “Students who work part-time gain a knowledge of the labor market and develop skills and contacts which provide them with some advantage in that labor market.” Dr Phillip McKenzie is the Research Director of the Transitions and Post-School Education and Training research program at ACER, Acting research Director of the Teaching and Leadership Program at ACER and a Director of the Monash University-ACER Centre for the Economics of Education and Training (CEET).
On May 7, 1999 Acer released a study on students involved in part-time work.
Can It Be Done? Yes it can, with a bit of dedication and concentration. The BIG Question
Most students said they worked to gain independence They enjoyed the work They believed part-time work would help them obtain employment later in life Students who were middle and lower achievers at school often highlighted the importance of a part-time job for students who may not be as well served by the school system
Get Your Priorities in Order Get Your Priorities in Order
School always comes first Avoid time conflicts, always plan ahead Use time Wisely Be flexible and willing to make sacrifices If you need to cut back on your work School always comes first Avoid time conflicts, always plan ahead Use time Wisely Be flexible and willing to make sacrifices If you need to cut back on your work