Vapor Pressure 1atm = 760 mmHg = 101.3kPa B is a Gas B is Liquid Normal Boiling Point for B
Heating Melting Boiling E Heating Liquid Heating Gas Heating Solid
Heating PE increasing E KE increasing PE increasing
Potential Energy Activation Energy Activation Energy of Reverse H reaction PE of Products PE of reactants PE of activated complex, think of the big hill on the roller coaster!
Phase Diagram Triple Point Temperature Pressure Solid Liquid Gas 1atm Normal Boiling Point Normal Freezing Point
Phase Diagram (water) Triple Point Temperature Pressure Solid Liquid Gas 1atm Normal Boiling Point Normal Freezing Point Negative slope implies lower solid density (ice floats)
Heating solid? E
Heating Liquid? E
Melting? E
Boiling? E
Heating Gas? E
PE increasing? E
Kinetic Energy Increasing?
E What’s Happening at E?