THE GO GREEN MOVEMENT It is the support of environmentally friendly products opposed to those that pollute or harm the environment Examples: Recycling, cars that are Eco-Friendly or good on gas, and taking acts to use less energy
D.C. Public School’s are going green Located in Washington D.C. Has its teachers showing students how to replant trees or plants that have been cut down Teacher helping students plant trees
Holly High School is also going green They’re going green by getting their students to make their own recycle box Students at Holly High School making their recycling boxes
And Wilson High School is going green Wilson High School is going green They added more classes focused on the environment Teacher at Wilson High School planting a plant
Pictures of Going Green RecyclingPlanting new plants Small car, more fuel mileage
Things that need to improve for going green Leaking faucetTrash in the hallway Trash on the new mulch outsideTrash next to the wall outside
Go Green; Make a difference!