by Shane Hall and Michael Lacks Going Green- it means to start doing things little by little to help the environment, or just only buying things that are eco- friendly and recycling.
Leaking faucets can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water in a home in just one year. To help prevent against the “leaky faucet” pandemonium you can: 1. inspect you pipes regularly. 2. get all repairs professionally done. 3. always make sure you cut your faucets completely off!
Toilets that are left running can waste up to 1 gallon per minute which adds up to 1,440 gallons per day.
Trash that is left unattended can cause animals to die because animals are use to a certain diet and altering that diet can have deadly consequences to the animal.
Light Duty Vehicles produce an average of 61% of the heat- trapping emissions that cause global warming. 1 Gallon of gas = 25 pounds of global warming emissions.
Planting Trees R-H is going green by putting new flower beds and trees around campus. Planting trees can be beneficial by reducing the cooling cost of your home. A mature tree can save you percent of your energy use for heating.
R-H going for the MPG’s Driving small cars can help out by getting better gas mileage which helps the environment because there is less gas being used and less air pollution.
DPS students learn about energy efficiency from DTE. Image credit: Detroit Public Schools Durham Public Schools are “going green” Over the past two years DPS has boosted several initiatives to do our part in preserving the environment.
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