By: Darren Carbone Trey Wilmer
What does “go green” mean? Going green is using different, everyday methods to help save the world and the environments that it contains. Also, it means using products that are friendly to the environment and cause no harm.
Recycling bins for aluminum cans and plastic bottles help the environment.
Trees that were planted by the RHHS students to help improve the environment.
Smaller cars use less gas which causes less damage to our environment.
Leaky faucets can waste at least 60 gallons of water a day.
Oil spills are harmful to the environment and the animals that live in it.
Litter on the ground can travel to the nearest ocean and cause many animals to die.
We built a solar powered car in welding At college, we use breaker boxes to save electricity Scrap metal recycling bin which is used to buy more metal
Not supporting “Go Green” Trash in woods Older vehicles use more gas Oil leaks into the ground and into the water
Schools participating in the “go green” efforts Fayetteville-Manlius school district installed a total of 442 solar panels on two school roofs along with a new solar water heater and a waste oil separator.
Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, North Carolina They own hybrids and solar charged carts. They also get food from their own organic garden.
Works Cited r_panels_on_fayetteville-m.html r_panels_on_fayetteville-m.html news/latest/10-greenest-colleges #slide-3 news/latest/10-greenest-colleges #slide-3