MANAGE YOUR MANAGE YOUR DAY Peer Team #7 Holly Bacher- Bridgestone Firestone Michele Fullerton- Bank of America Rebecca Morel- ADP- Dealer Services Erica Morgan- John Deere
2 2 MANAGE YOUR MANAGE YOUR DAY Did you know the average person spends one-third of their time reading and replying to useless messages that dont concern them or figuring out how to answer long, convoluted questions? If you send and get approximately 100 s a day, that adds up to 24,000 messages annually, on which you spend an average of 100 workdays. If you could manage to reduce the amount of you send and receive by 20%, you would free up 20 workdays a year to use for other things Using an average salary of $30.00 per hour, the cost of 25 wasted days is about $6,000 a year per employee So how can you cut back on the time takes up….
3 3 Laser Your – Reduce the Sauce To the point Dont explain too much Follow ABC Method – Action – State your purpose Background – Present your key points Closure- Clarify the next steps
4 4 NRN - NTN NRN – No Reply Needed NTN – No Thanks Needed Never Reply to All unless necessary Use Forward instead of Reply to All If attachment is included with the consider whether the attachment needs to be forwarded.
5 5 FYI s- Is Information Timely, Topical, and Targeted When sending informational s consider the following Is the really needed? Do all the listed recipients need this ? Is the timely and relevant? Will the assist them in their job?
6 6 Strengthen Your Subject Line – Whats the Point? Always have a subject line Use subject line to add clarity, description, and context Consider using the following subject line indicators following the subject: Action Required Review / Approve Decision Needed Follow up Questions Urgent FYI NRN NTN
7 7 Stop that Chain Consider calling after 2 responses Avoid forwarding lengthy chains If forwarding an chain, recap information, do not say see below –Delete non-relevant portions of the chain
8 8 Stop – Read - Review Review before sending Watch the use of all caps Does message convey your intent? End of should include signature with contact information Check spelling, grammar, punctuation
9 9 Distribution Lists – Are you in the Know? Regularly review and manage your distribution lists Take initiative to be added and removed from distribution lists as needed
10 TO C or not to CC Verify and purify your TO and CC lines –Verify correct first and last names were selected TO line is for respondees CC line is for need to know
11 How Big is your…Attachment? Limit number and size of attachments –use links to shared files where possible verify recipients have permissions to view files Consider compressing files before attaching
12 Tools, tools, tools… Consider use of available tools to help manage mailbox –Mark for follow-up –High Importance –Read Receipt –Auto Spellcheck –Rules/filters –Tasks –Appointments/Calendar –Block out of office on calendar –Use out of office assistance
13 To Read or not to Read Avoid continuous all day review If necessary turn off incoming alert Consider review and reply to s at scheduled intervals throughout the day Avoid replying and sending s outside of your normal work hours.
14 Think Before you Send Dont write anything you wouldnt say in public
15 Thank You on Behalf of Peer Team 7!