Arkansas Sam Back 2/1/2008
What other states border Arkansas? Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma
What is the state bird, flower, tree, flag, nickname? Bird-Mockingbird Flower-Appleblossme Flag-Dimond Nickname-The Natural State Tree-Loblolly Pine
What region is my state in? Southeast
What are some major tourist attractions? Aerospace Ed. Center
What famous people are from my state? Janet Napulano Martha Bates
What is my state capital? Little Rock
What is Arkansas landscape? flat and rocky
What is my states population? 2,673,400
What r my states traditions? Tornado Fest Orange Bowl
What is my states governor? Janet Napolito
Work Cited Darice, Bailer. Arkansas: The Natural State. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, “Arkansas.” 11 February