Microsoft Office Illustrated Working with Themes and Building Blocks
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Objectives Apply quick styles to textApply quick styles to text Apply a themeApply a theme Customize a themeCustomize a theme Insert a sidebarInsert a sidebar
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Objectives (continued) Insert quick partsInsert quick parts Add a cover pageAdd a cover page Create building blocksCreate building blocks Insert building blocksInsert building blocks
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Applying Quick Styles to Text A style is a set of format settings that are named and stored togetherA style is a set of format settings that are named and stored together Quick Style sets are groups of related styles designed to be used together in a documentQuick Style sets are groups of related styles designed to be used together in a document Give documents a cohesive lookGive documents a cohesive look Sets include styles for title, subtitle, headings, body text, lists, quotes, and other text elementsSets include styles for title, subtitle, headings, body text, lists, quotes, and other text elements
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated
Applying Quick Styles to Text (continued) Saving a document as a Web page:Saving a document as a Web page: Use the Save As command to save a document in HTML formatUse the Save As command to save a document in HTML format Two options: Single File Web Page (.mht or.mhtml) or in Web Page (.htm or.html)Two options: Single File Web Page (.mht or.mhtml) or in Web Page (.htm or.html) Page is then displayed in Web Layout viewPage is then displayed in Web Layout view Unsupported formatting options (e.g., floating graphics) are converted to similar supported formattingUnsupported formatting options (e.g., floating graphics) are converted to similar supported formatting
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Applying a Theme A theme is a set of unified design elementsA theme is a set of unified design elements E.g., colors, fonts for body text and headings, and effects for graphicsE.g., colors, fonts for body text and headings, and effects for graphics By default, the Office theme is usedBy default, the Office theme is used Use Themes command in Themes group on Page Layout tabUse Themes command in Themes group on Page Layout tab
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated
Applying a Theme (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Applying a Theme (continued) Changing the default theme:Changing the default theme: Press [Ctrl][N], click Themes button (Themes group, Page Layout tab), and click theme to use as defaultPress [Ctrl][N], click Themes button (Themes group, Page Layout tab), and click theme to use as default Use buttons in Themes group to customize theme settings before saving itUse buttons in Themes group to customize theme settings before saving it Or, use Change Styles button (Styles group, Home tab), and then use the Style Set, Colors, and Fonts optionsOr, use Change Styles button (Styles group, Home tab), and then use the Style Set, Colors, and Fonts options
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Customizing a Theme Customize a theme byCustomize a theme by Changing its colorsChanging its colors Selecting new fonts for headings and body textSelecting new fonts for headings and body text Changing the effectsChanging the effects Save customized theme as a new themeSave customized theme as a new theme Then, apply it to other documentsThen, apply it to other documents
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated
Customizing a Theme (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting a Sidebar Building blocks are reusable pieces of formatted content or document parts that are stored in galleriesBuilding blocks are reusable pieces of formatted content or document parts that are stored in galleries E.g., sidebars and pull quotesE.g., sidebars and pull quotes A sidebar is a text box positioned adjacent to the document bodyA sidebar is a text box positioned adjacent to the document body A pull quote contains a quote or excerpt from an article, formatted in a larger font size and placed on the same pageA pull quote contains a quote or excerpt from an article, formatted in a larger font size and placed on the same page Use Text Box command (Insert tab)Use Text Box command (Insert tab)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting a Sidebar (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting a Sidebar (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting Quick Parts Use Quick Parts to insert reusable pieces of content into a documentUse Quick Parts to insert reusable pieces of content into a document Fields: date, page numbersFields: date, page numbers Document properties: document title, authorDocument properties: document title, author Building blocksBuilding blocks Use Quick Parts command on Insert tab or on Header & Footer Tools Design tabUse Quick Parts command on Insert tab or on Header & Footer Tools Design tab
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated
Adding a Cover Page Many predesigned cover pages come with WordMany predesigned cover pages come with Word Designs range from conservative and business-like to colorful and attention- grabbingDesigns range from conservative and business-like to colorful and attention- grabbing Each design includes placeholder text and property controls that you can replace with your own informationEach design includes placeholder text and property controls that you can replace with your own information
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Adding a Cover Page (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated
Creating Building Blocks Save content you want to reuse as a building block in one of the galleriesSave content you want to reuse as a building block in one of the galleries Use Quick Parts commandUse Quick Parts command
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Creating Building Blocks (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Creating Building Blocks (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Creating Building Blocks (continued) Renaming a building block and editing other properties:Renaming a building block and editing other properties: Right-click the item in a gallery, and click Edit PropertiesRight-click the item in a gallery, and click Edit Properties Modify Building Block dialog box opensModify Building Block dialog box opens Or, select the item in the Building Blocks Organizer, and then clicking Edit PropertiesOr, select the item in the Building Blocks Organizer, and then clicking Edit Properties
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting Building Blocks You can insert a building block directly from a galleryYou can insert a building block directly from a gallery You can use the Building Blocks Organizer to search for, organize, and insert building blocksYou can use the Building Blocks Organizer to search for, organize, and insert building blocks
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting Building Blocks (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Inserting Building Blocks (continued)
Microsoft Office 2007 – Illustrated Summary Themes provide coordinated fonts, colors, and effects that you can apply to a document in one easy stepThemes provide coordinated fonts, colors, and effects that you can apply to a document in one easy step Building blocks offer preformatted document parts to insert and customize in a documentBuilding blocks offer preformatted document parts to insert and customize in a document E.g., sidebars, pull quotes, headers, footers, cover pages, etc.E.g., sidebars, pull quotes, headers, footers, cover pages, etc.