Mountain View Elementary School Kindergarten Orientation August 24, 2012
Kindergarten is the start of an exciting learning journey. Our kindergarten classrooms provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for all children. Kindergarten Philosophy
Children are active learners. They learn best when allowed multiple opportunities to play, create, investigate, explore, predict and learn from one another and their environment.
Our kindergarten teachers promote discovery and self-awareness in all areas of development – social, emotional, physical, creative and cognitive We look to meet the needs of each individual child.
The Kindergarten curriculum provides children with a variety of opportunities to try out new ideas. To be challenged by new experiences that engage the emerging readers, writers, scientists, mathematicians, and artists.
Monthly newsletter on school’s website Frequent notices, check book bag for Green folder daily Quarterly class newsletters Written notes & are the best ways to communicate with your child’s teacher Parent conferences Because Phone calls Communication
HEALTH INFORMATION Presentation by Dona Nachajski RN School Nurse Presentation by Dona Nachajski RN School Nurse Contact #: Contact #: Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Preparing for Learning Read to your child for 10 – 20 minutes daily. Ask questions about the story. Help your child use the illustrations to predict story events. Practice counting objects. Use mathematical language – more than, less than, fewer, greater, above, below. Use positional words – over, under, above, below, behind, in back of, beside, next to.
Develop your child’s background knowledge Experiences in the real world give background knowledge that enhances reading, writing, and speaking. Use rich language to develop your child’s vocabulary. Explain words that may be new to your child.
Snack Two Options Students May Bring From Home Cafeteria Prepay Through Food Services. Sorry but a la carte is not available.
Snack $ Per Year or 10 Monthly Payments of $20.00 Checks payable to: County of Loudoun Parents have the option of pre- paying their child's meals online with a credit card. Visit the LCPS web site: (Parent Section / Food Services).
LCPS Managing food Allergies in School Guidelines: A high priority is placed in keeping all of our children safe. Students should be reminded to only eat the food that their parents send to school and to not share food. Mountain View follows the Loudoun County Public School guidelines for managing food allergies in schools Parts of the guidelines include that only non-food items be sent in as an alternative to birthday and celebration treats.
Attendance Please report child’s absence by calling A voice message can be left any time before 9:30 AM. Parents should send a note explaining the reason for the absence within 3 days of their child’s return to school.
Changes in Writing or by Phone Call Daycare Arrangements Emergency Information Dismissal Plans
Early Pick-up Procedures All early pickups should occur no later then 20 minutes before dismissal. “Play dates” should be arranged for after the children arrive home from school Custodial papers and emergency contact cards must be kept up to date Students will only be released to custodial parents or other adults with prior written parental authorization. Any person picking up a student must show proper picture identification
Safety on the Bus Kindergarteners sit in first two or three rows Parents can help by: Discussing and reinforcing rules Keeping us informed Parent(s) must be at the bus stop to receive their child each day. Students will return to school if no one is at the bus stop to receive them. If a parent cannot pick up their child on a particular day, prior arrangements must be made with the bus driver for neighbor to receive the child at the bus stop.
Early Dismissals & Delayed Openings Connect Ed phone call Check the local News, and District Website Please Complete the Emergency Plan Form and keep it updated
Delayed Openings 1-Hour Delay: –8:50-10:50 AM Session –11:35-2:35 PM Session 2-Hour Delay: –9:50-11:50 AM Session –12:35-2:35 PM Session
Parent + Teacher Association Stacy Sabin Local PTA President Stacy Sabin Local PTA President Join the MTV PTA! Join the MTV PTA! Attend Meetings Attend Meetings Book Fair Volunteers Book Fair Volunteers
Volunteering In the Classroom Room Parent In the School In the Library Join the PTA
Kindergarten Request: The Kindergarten teachers have asked that you place your child’s name inside of their backpacks and coats. Picture of grateful teacher goes here!
UPCOMING EVENTS Aug. 27First Day Back to School Sept. 3No School Sept. 20Back to School Night Sept. 27Parent Portal Information Night Oct. 1 School Photos Sept. 29Parent and Principal Coffee
Parents are the first teachers in a child’s education. The partnership between families and school is critical to a child’s success. We share in your excitement as we embark on this learning journey together.
Thank you for coming to our Kindergarten Orientation. We look forward to having you at Mountain View Elementary