Framework Feedback: What We Are Already Doing
Theme 1: CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK FOR 21ST CENTURY 1. Common Pacing Guides with embedded 21 st Century skills (19) 2. County-wide Literacy Program (23) 3. 21st Century Thinking Skills for students to develop life-long learners (11) 4. Interdisciplinary units - Wholistic approach to teaching the child (10) Develop curriculum cards for the aligned Standards of Learning (ASOLs) (5) 5. Revise PGP process (3)
Theme 1: CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK FOR 21ST CENTURY (cont) 6. Individualized remediation programs (3) 7. Developing teacher leaders (2) 8. Common assessments with cumulative questions (2) 9. Training for resources provided with the content textbooks. 10. On-going staff development in research based developmentally appropriate practices 11. Unified testing window for benchmark testing 12. Common strategies for all content areas
Theme 2: DISTRICT-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES 1.Differentiation Strategies for students and staff (9) 2.Fred Jones county-wide (7) 3.Research based instructional strategies (Marzano, brain research, Critical Thinking Skills, questioning skills) (5) 4.Training on collaborative model and working with exceptional ed students (5) 5.SD on Reading Comprehension, Reading on Grade Level (4) 6.SD on how to implement 21st century skills, collaboration and observation among schools, with accountability (5) 7.Project Based Learning Instructional Coaches Block schedule at upper elementary SIOP Keyboarding instructional program
Theme 3: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS FOR SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OFTEACHING AND LEARNING 1.Professional Development for 21 st Century Skills (16) 2.PGP revisited (8) 3.Improve mentor process (8) 4.Instructional coaching (5) 5.Leadership development (2) 6.Common observation tools
Theme 4: BALANCED ASSESSMENT FOR MONITORING LEARNING 1. Teacher training for data analysis and plans of action (29) 2.Common Assessments (24) - common test banks for English – alternate assessments (14) use HATs as diagnostic at beginning of year (3) vocabulary assessments 3.Balanced Assessment (7) creating tests (2) 4.Support of development for VGLA notebooks
Theme 5: DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTIONAL DECISION MAKING FORSHARED ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Sharing and analyzing data school wide (discipline, building repairs, staff skills, physical data, etc.) 2. Data teams in every school/collaboration on strategies 3. More opportunities for data collection 4. SD on using data to refocus instruction 5. Simplify data gathering techniques 6. Item analysis