I attend Randolph Henry High School
In 3 rd Grade I won a writing Contest My 3 rd grade class was asked to write poems for the Young Authors Writing Contest and mine came in 3 rd place.
When I was ten years old I was obsessed with Video Games They literally consumed my life.
When I was 11 I got into Anime Anime or basically Japanese cartoons are stories brought to life from the pages of Manga(Japanese Comic-Book)
When I was 12 I saw my first independent film It was called “The Dreamers” and it changed how I viewed the world.
When I was 12 I had my first Girlfriend When I was twelve I had my first girlfriend. The relationship only lasted a month, but I swore we were in love.
When I was 13 I saw my first horror movie and became addicted to Rock Music. When I was little I was not allowed to watch horror movies. Not a lot of screamo, but a little heavy stuff
When I was 14 I became obsessed with vampire fiction All my friends were into it, and then we found books that made twilight look like the bull it really is. Seriously, you would not like twilight if you had read these books. They were sooo much better.
When I was 15 I smoked I don’t smoke anymore, but I used to, every now and then. **Whispers** ‘its bad for your health’
I am 16 now and those are things that I have done. Now I shall live the rest of my life and have new experiences.