CCSS Webinar Series – Part 2 Systems Webinar for School District Leaders January 10, 2012 OSPI Teaching and Learning and Assessment Divisions
Welcome! Agenda for today’s webinar… Current big picture updates of the of the Common Core State Standards Initiative State transition plans, resources for various audiences, emerging resources Assessment system update A glimpse into next week’s ELA and Math webinars January 17, 3:30 – Mathematics January 19, 3:30 – English language arts Address questions and discuss next steps January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update3
But First…About You We’d like to know a little about who is out there. Time for a poll. January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update4
Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st century. 5 Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School January 2012
Implementing the Common Core State Standards in Washington State January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update6 Our Vision: Every student will have access to the CCSS standards through high quality instruction aligned with the standards every day; and that all English language arts and mathematics teachers are prepared and receive the support they need to implement the standards in their classrooms every day. Our Purpose: To develop a statewide system with aligned resources that supports all school districts in their preparation of educators and students to implement the CCSS. Our Core Values: This vision can only occur through core values of clarity, consistency, collaboration, coordination, and commitment from classrooms, schools, and communities to the state level.
What’s Different: Implementation Considerations January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update7 Changing roles of education partners State Regional Local Current / waning capacities State Regional Local Tapping into and building statewide expertise Emerging opportunities
What’s New: Implementation Partnerships – To name a few… January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update8 PLUS… Large School Districts Higher Education Statewide Education and Content Associations Washington
Focusing on the foundation… Washington’s Implementation Timeline & Activities Phase 1: CCSS Exploration Phase 2: Build Awareness & Begin Building Statewide Capacity Phase 3: Build Statewide Capacity and Classroom Transitions Phase 4: Statewide Application and Assessment Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update9January 2012
Washington’s CCSS Implementation Timeline and Activities (State, Regional, and District Efforts) – January 2012 (handout) January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update10
Implementation Foci (Phase 2) January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update11 2) Build Awareness of CCSS and Begin Building Statewide Capacity Supports for Standards Implementation Provide initial CCSS overview presentations to OSPI and ESD staff Identify resources from national organizations, and other states Establish CCSS Quarterly Webinar Series Convene school district leadership teams to learn about CCSS and build transition plans ** Develop, disseminate, maintain communication materials to support building awareness Connect districts with resources to align professional learning and materials to support implementation Develop and begin dissemination of content-specific transition supports ** Establish CCSS specialist cadres of educators to build capacity within districts to implement the CCSS ** Assessment 2012: MSP/HSPE/EOC based on 2008 WA Math Standards and 2005 Reading/ Writing Standards Provide information about new assessment system development
January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update12 5) Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (ongoing) Establish and maintain engagement and coordination of state Steering Committee, State Communications Advisory, and ESD Network CCSS activities Convene state professional learning associations and stakeholders to align messages, coordinate efforts, and build statewide capacity Engage partners to align and leverage state/national initiatives and resources ** Work with key state partners on efforts to build capacity across systems for CCSS implementation (e.g. early learning, higher education) ** Integrate targeted CCSS content support throughout statewide professional learning opportunities Implementation Foci, cont.
Key next steps in Phase 2 – Spring 2012 January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update13 Continue Building Statewide Awareness… CCSS Webinar Series, web resources CCSS Symposia for School District Teams CCSS Overview Presentations and Support (OSPI and ESD partners) Begin Building Statewide Capacity… CCSS Overview and Content-Specific Learning Opportunities Opportunities in each ESD region for professional learning focused on Math and ELA CCSS – consistent content, no charge to attend Spring and summer 2012 Establish CCSS “specialist cadres” of educators statewide Commit to building district capacity at system, and content-levels through regional training opportunities 3-5 school district teams per ESD region selected to serve as “lighthouse” districts in their region for system-level implementation efforts Funds provided to attend spring and summer 2012 CCSS professional development Applications in February 2012 through iGrants
For your consideration… January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update14 What stands out for you with these activities and timeline? What questions do you have?
Hunt Institute Videos – Handout for Math and ELA Common Core State Standards Washington’s Content Specific Transitional Supports January CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update
Content Progressions and Major Shifts within Mathematics CCSS (handout) January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update16 Major Shifts Focus Fewer big ideas --- learn more Learning of concepts is emphasized Coherence Articulated progressions of topics and performances that are developmental and connected to other progressions Application Being able to apply concepts and skills to new situations
Content Progressions and Major Shifts within English Language Arts CCSS (handout) January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update17 K Foundational Skills: Print Concepts & Phonological Awareness Foundational Skills: Phonics & Word Recognition, Fluency Reading Literature & Informational text, including literary nonfiction: Balance K-5 = 50% literature* & 50%* informational text Reading Literature – stories, drama, poetry: Balance grade 6-8 = 45%* Balance gr = 30%* Reading informational, including literary nonfiction: Balance 6-8 = 55%* Balance gr = 70%* Literacy (Reading) in History/Social Studies, Science, and Other Technical Subjects Writing Standards: Balance of Text Types: grades 4 – opinion = 30%; information = 35%; narrative = 35% Literacy (Writing) in History/Social Studies, Science, and Other Technical Subjects: Grade 8 – argument = 35%; information = 35%; narrative = 30% Grade 12 – argument = 40%; information = 40%; narrative = 20% Speaking & Listening Standards Language Standards, including vocabulary acquisition and use Major Shifts 1.Balance of Literary and Informational Texts 2.Literacy in the Content Areas 3.Increased Complexity of Text 4. Text-based Questions and Answers 5. Writing Using Evidence 6. Academic Vocabulary
January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update18 Things to consider with your teams… What is different about the CCSS? What will students be doing differently? What will teachers be doing differently? What structures are in place in your schools/district that can support implementation of the CCSS? What activities should be continued? What activities should be revisited? Implementation Activities (Math and ELA)…
January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update19 OSPI CCSS Website Includes… Communication support materials 3-year transition plans for ELA and Math Grade-level transition documents Aligned with current test maps Other national / state resources Hunt Institute Video Series Math and ELA-specific National PTA – Parent Resource Guides Learning More… Statewide Transition & Implementation Supports
New Assessments: What We Know So Far
Smarter Balanced: A Consortium of States 28 states representing 45% of K-12 students 21 governing, 7 advisory states Washington state is fiscal agent January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update21
Assessment System Principles 1. An integrated system 2. Evidence-based approach 3. Teacher involvement 4. State-led with transparent governance 5. Focus: improving teaching and learning 6. Actionable information – multiple measures 7. Established professional standards January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update22
A Balanced Assessment System Information and tools to improve teaching and learning Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Teacher resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction Two Performance Assessments per Content Area Computer Adaptive Comprehensive Assessments Computer Adaptive Performance Tasks Assessment PD Assessment Exemplars Released Items/ Tasks 23
A Balanced Assessment System January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update24
Washington’s Context… Proposed Summative Assessments in 2014–15 English/LAMathematicsScience Grade 3SBAC Grade 4SBAC Grade 5SBAC MSP Grade 6SBAC Grade 7SBAC Grade 8SBAC MSP Grade 10???EOC Algebra/Geometry EOC Grade 11SBAC SBAC=SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium MSP= Measurements of Student Progress EOC= End of Course exams January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update25
January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update26 Core beliefs grounded in student and educator development Outcomes focused on enhanced teaching and learning, increased student and teacher engagement and growth Systems-approach Connected state initiatives Grounded in Professional Learning Standards Continuous learning cycle Now What? Implementation through a Standards-Based Support and Development System
January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update27
A foundation for supporting CCSS implementation… January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update28 Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning (formerly National Staff Development Council Standards) Revised in 2010 after 10 years Collaborative process Reduced standards (from 12 to 7) System approach vs. checklist Cross-sector support from national professional learning organizations Applicable to support professional learning at all levels: state, regional local
A foundation for supporting CCSS implementation… ( January 2012CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update29 Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning ContextLearning Communities Leadership Resources ProcessesData Learning Designs Implementation ContentOutcomes Prerequisites for Professional Learning 1.Educators commit to ensuring all students succeed. 2.Educators are ready to learn. 3.Professional learning fosters collaborative inquiry and learning. 4.Educators learn in different ways and at different rates.
Learning More… Statewide Transition & Implementation Supports Quarterly CCSS Webinar Series (each builds on the previous): System-focused implementation supports Mathematics English language arts CCSS Symposium for School District Leadership Teams November 2011 & January 2012 More to come… Targeted state and regional work with regional and district leadership teams Conference presentations throughout the year SMARTER Balanced draft Content Specifications includes examples of the types of questions that students are likely to see on assessments: CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update30January 2012
CCSS Webinar Series Part 2: Systems Update31 Thank you. Common Core Questions: Greta Bornemann, OSPI CCSS Project Lead,