1 School Financial Services Update Ask questions any time Ask questions any time School Financial Services School Financial Services SAFS System Upgrade SAFS System Upgrade FY 07–08 Accounting Manual FY 07–08 Accounting Manual FY 07–08 Budget Update FY 07–08 Budget Update FY 06–07 F196 Update FY 06–07 F196 Update
2 SAFS Systems Project Update Why? The current systems are old!! Why? The current systems are old!! Who, What, When? A conversion project using $1.9 million appropriated in 05–07 budget. Who, What, When? A conversion project using $1.9 million appropriated in 05–07 budget. Current systems are being converted onto a web-based platform that will be accessed through the EDS portal. Systems will maintain current functionality with only minor enhancements. Once all systems are converted, tested, and implemented, additional enhancements will be made as funds are made available. Training and user documentation will be available prior to the release of the converted systems. We anticipate several systems will be ready to process 2007–08 school year data by September 1.
3 FY 07–08 School District Accounting Manual Updates Kim Thompson, CPA Supervisor, School District/ESD Accounting (360)
4 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates The Accounting Manual is published cooperatively by OSPI and SAO. The Accounting Manual is published cooperatively by OSPI and SAO. The School District Accounting Advisory Committee (SDAAC) makes recommendations for updates to the manual in their role of advising on accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, and related matters. The School District Accounting Advisory Committee (SDAAC) makes recommendations for updates to the manual in their role of advising on accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, and related matters. SDAAC meetings are scheduled now through December 2007 for the 2008–09 Accounting Manual updates. SDAAC meetings are scheduled now through December 2007 for the 2008–09 Accounting Manual updates. The SDAAC web page: The SDAAC web page: Has the complete description of changes to the 2007–08 manual. Has the complete description of changes to the 2007–08 manual. Has meeting agendas, materials, list of committee members, etc. Has meeting agendas, materials, list of committee members, etc.
5 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5: These chapters need to be reprinted in their entirety due to changes made which affected pagination. These chapters need to be reprinted in their entirety due to changes made which affected pagination. The title of Chapter 5 is changed from “Revenue” to “Revenue and Other Financing Sources.” The title of Chapter 5 is changed from “Revenue” to “Revenue and Other Financing Sources.”
6 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates Saul Haas: Saul Haas: Added references and definitions for Saul Haas Fund in Chapters 1, 9, and Appendix A. Added references and definitions for Saul Haas Fund in Chapters 1, 9, and Appendix A. Saul Haas may be accounted for in the ASB Fund if the Saul Haas funds are immaterial to total ASB revenue. Saul Haas may be accounted for in the ASB Fund if the Saul Haas funds are immaterial to total ASB revenue. If Saul Haas Funds are material, they must be entered in Fund 7 at year end on the F-196 and will reduce the ASB fund balance. If Saul Haas Funds are material, they must be entered in Fund 7 at year end on the F-196 and will reduce the ASB fund balance. Immateriality is defined as less than 5% of the ASB fund total revenue. Immateriality is defined as less than 5% of the ASB fund total revenue.
7 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates Chapter 5 – Revenue Accounts: Chapter 5 – Revenue Accounts: Use Revenue 6321 instead of Revenue 6121 in 2007–08 because the Medicaid reimbursement is now coming from DSHS, not OSPI. Use Revenue 6321 instead of Revenue 6121 in 2007–08 because the Medicaid reimbursement is now coming from DSHS, not OSPI.
8 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates Chapter 6 – Expenditure Accounts: Chapter 6 – Expenditure Accounts: Section 5 Activity Code Description, Activity 72 Information Systems: Clarify description of included costs. Section 5 Activity Code Description, Activity 72 Information Systems: Clarify description of included costs. Section 9 CPF Expenditures, Type Code 32 Additional: Add “technology levy expenditures” to the list of expenditures recorded in this activity. Section 9 CPF Expenditures, Type Code 32 Additional: Add “technology levy expenditures” to the list of expenditures recorded in this activity. Section 9, Expenditure Object Codes: Change language to make expenditure object codes optional. Section 9, Expenditure Object Codes: Change language to make expenditure object codes optional.
9 2007–08 Accounting Manual Updates Chapter 7 – Journal Entries: Chapter 7 – Journal Entries: Sections 5 CPF and 6 TVF Journal Entries: Correct journal entries 14 and 16 to correctly reference GL 536 Other Financing Uses – Transfer Out instead of GL 535 Other Financing Uses. Sections 5 CPF and 6 TVF Journal Entries: Correct journal entries 14 and 16 to correctly reference GL 536 Other Financing Uses – Transfer Out instead of GL 535 Other Financing Uses. Section 13 Bond Issues and Bond Refunding: Revise the bond issue journal entry example and enhance bond refunding guidance. Section 13 Bond Issues and Bond Refunding: Revise the bond issue journal entry example and enhance bond refunding guidance.
–08 Accounting Manual Updates Late-Breaking Potential Updates for 2007–08: Late-Breaking Potential Updates for 2007–08: These items are driven by the 2007–09 budget or other legislation passed by the Legislature after our Accounting Manual approval, hearing, and printing deadlines. These items are driven by the 2007–09 budget or other legislation passed by the Legislature after our Accounting Manual approval, hearing, and printing deadlines. Excess cost accounting: revenue Excess cost accounting: revenue Transportation: break out to-from. Transportation: break out to-from. CPF: pay for on-going license fees through transfer to general fund. CPF: pay for on-going license fees through transfer to general fund. Watch for a bulletin announcing these updates at: Watch for a bulletin announcing these updates at:
11 FY 07–08 Budget Update Mike Dooley, CSBO Supervisor, School District/ESD Budget (360)
12 FY 07–08 Budget Update F-195/F-203 Status: F-195/F-203 Status: The F-195 is scheduled for release over the last weekend in April, subject to the Legislature adjournment. The F-195 is scheduled for release over the last weekend in April, subject to the Legislature adjournment. The F-203 will be released approximately 2-3 weeks after the Legislature adjourns. The F-203 will be released approximately 2-3 weeks after the Legislature adjourns.
13 FY 07–08 Budget Update Promoting Academic Success (PAS) Status: Promoting Academic Success (PAS) Status: Added revenue account 7163 in FY 2007–08 to account for the interdistrict revenues related to the PAS program. This revenue account was not available for the FY 2006–07 budget. Should a 2006–07 budget extension become necessary to account for interdistrict revenue for PAS, OSPI recommends using Program 63 in addition to revenue 7100 for F-200, budget extension, reporting. Added revenue account 7163 in FY 2007–08 to account for the interdistrict revenues related to the PAS program. This revenue account was not available for the FY 2006–07 budget. Should a 2006–07 budget extension become necessary to account for interdistrict revenue for PAS, OSPI recommends using Program 63 in addition to revenue 7100 for F-200, budget extension, reporting. ABFR Status: ABFR Status: ABFR Handbook is targeted to be complete mid-May at which time it will be posted on our website at: ABFR Handbook is targeted to be complete mid-May at which time it will be posted on our website at:
14 FY 07–08 Budget Update Budget Extension Reminder: Budget Extension Reminder: We know all of you are busy preparing your new year budgets, but don't forget any remaining current year budget extensions. August is the final month to file your F-200 budget extensions with OSPI. Depending on when you submitted your current year F-200 for approval and when you printed your new year F-195 budget document, you may need to update your new year budget with state data after OSPI approval. This will allow your current year budget extension to be accurately displayed in the middle column of your new year F-195. We know all of you are busy preparing your new year budgets, but don't forget any remaining current year budget extensions. August is the final month to file your F-200 budget extensions with OSPI. Depending on when you submitted your current year F-200 for approval and when you printed your new year F-195 budget document, you may need to update your new year budget with state data after OSPI approval. This will allow your current year budget extension to be accurately displayed in the middle column of your new year F-195.
15 FY 07–08 Budget Update Budget Extension Reminder: Budget Extension Reminder: If your district needs to increase the amount of current year appropriation, before incurring expenditures in excess of current year appropriation your board of directors must adopt a resolution stating the estimated amount needed. Any appropriation resolution adopted after the current appropriation level has been exceeded shall be null and void to the extent that the current appropriation level has been exceeded. If your district needs to increase the amount of current year appropriation, before incurring expenditures in excess of current year appropriation your board of directors must adopt a resolution stating the estimated amount needed. Any appropriation resolution adopted after the current appropriation level has been exceeded shall be null and void to the extent that the current appropriation level has been exceeded.
16 FY 06–07 F196 Update Pam Peppers Supervisor of School District/ESD Financial Reporting (360)
17 FY 06–07 F196 Update Indirect Cost Rate Calculation-additional guidance for the distorting and indirect expenditure manual input items. Indirect Cost Rate Calculation-additional guidance for the distorting and indirect expenditure manual input items. GL 535, Other Financing Uses (Item 560) has been opened in the General Fund (5601), Capital Projects Fund (5602), and the Transportation Vehicle Fund (5609). It is still open in the Debt Service Fund. GL 535, Other Financing Uses (Item 560) has been opened in the General Fund (5601), Capital Projects Fund (5602), and the Transportation Vehicle Fund (5609). It is still open in the Debt Service Fund. Activity 15, Public Relations, is open in Programs 51, 52, and 97. Activity 15, Public Relations, is open in Programs 51, 52, and 97.
18 Financial Reporting Update The SAFS website ( has two new menu picks on the left hand side of the page, Financial History Reports and Indirect Cost Rates. The reports have been available for several years but are now more accessible. The SAFS website ( has two new menu picks on the left hand side of the page, Financial History Reports and Indirect Cost Rates. The reports have been available for several years but are now more accessible. Financial History Reports Financial History Reports Financial Reporting Summary–The most current year, , is the first summary report on the list. Section 3 reports are in pdf and MS Excel format. Financial Reporting Summary–The most current year, , is the first summary report on the list. Section 3 reports are in pdf and MS Excel format. Financial History Reports–multiple 5 year financial history reports and a 3-Year General Fund Expenditure Matrix. Financial History Reports–multiple 5 year financial history reports and a 3-Year General Fund Expenditure Matrix. Apportionment Reports, F-195 Budget, and F-196 Annual Financial Statements. Apportionment Reports, F-195 Budget, and F-196 Annual Financial Statements.
19 Financial Reporting Update Indirect Cost Rates Indirect Cost Rates 5 Year Restricted Indirect Cost Rates. 5 Year Restricted Indirect Cost Rates. Restricted and Unrestricted Rates to be used in FY Restricted and Unrestricted Rates to be used in FY The Federal Indirect Agreement–The agreement currently posted expired in February Until DOE accepts our current proposal districts may continue to use the 2001 agreement. The Federal Indirect Agreement–The agreement currently posted expired in February Until DOE accepts our current proposal districts may continue to use the 2001 agreement. Federal Indirect Rate Frequently Asked Questions. Federal Indirect Rate Frequently Asked Questions.
20 Maintenance of Effort and Recovery and Carryover Templates The Federal Cross-Cutting and Special Education MOE tests are complete. The MOE templates have been updated and posted to our website under Training/Tools at The Federal Cross-Cutting and Special Education MOE tests are complete. The MOE templates have been updated and posted to our website under Training/Tools at Districts are encouraged to access these templates and run their own MOE tests for mid year and budget purposes. Districts are encouraged to access these templates and run their own MOE tests for mid year and budget purposes. Steve Shish has updated the 2006–07 Recovery and Carryover Spreadsheet through April on our website at Steve Shish has updated the 2006–07 Recovery and Carryover Spreadsheet through April on our website at
21 Thank you for coming Other topics of discussion? Other topics of discussion? Comments? Comments? Questions? Questions?